Rich dad poor dad for teens        

                    20 May 2022 . Read Time: 2 min 53 sec.                                        

One-line summary: The book is all about, a kid judging the statements of both his rich dad and poor dad. Also how there statements help him in financial literacy, and educate what exactly the wealth is. Readable: Grade 5 (may be the pay yourself first, concept in chapter 9 is bit hard to understand for a grade 5). Do I recommend: Strongly Recommended. 

In-depth summary: The author teach us about the 6 lessons one should understand to be rich. 

My Thoughts: If we read it like a story its a wonderful one with many moral lessons useful in development of financial literature, and also it teaches how to judge when you got one to choose from the two statements from two important people. Such an amazing book. I completely read this book in 3-4 days as I got interested what he's gonna talk next. The morals helped me in every spending of my dollar(as my employee), I'll try to make a right choice of assets over my liabilities. And last but not least, Judging someone wealth by their net worth is stupidity. 

End Note: One great book to suggest anyone. 

More about the author Robert T. Kiyosaki

Few good lines from the book