Skills and Experience

TIP: Click on the title of the project to see the repository and source code

Technical Skills


  • Intermediate to expert level in the language (Most Comfortable)

  • Practically implemented design patterns and SOLID principles

  • Strong understanding of Native C# and C# scripting for Unity

C++ (On Going)

  • Beginner to Intermediate level in the language

  • Exploring and practically learning native C++ (click on the title to see my work so far)

  • Built a game as a part of the University project in Native C++ and OpenGL

Game Engines

  • Professionally working on Unity from past 3 years and have made a number of projects for company, personal passion and university.

  • Experience building both 2D and 3D games

  • Apart from the regular editor tools, I have also worked in depth on tools such as profiler, frame debugger, sprite editor, sprite atlas, 2D animation (UI), Animator, prefabs and more.

Unreal (On Going)

  • I am practically exploring Unreal Engine after gaining a better understanding of C++ (I have achieved that now and I started learning Unreal with the help of a Udemy course and tutorials on the Unreal Engine website)

  • Hand-on experience with the editor and Unreal scripting

Soft Skills

  • Worked as a part time employee at Marks and Spencer café and Pret a Manger café London where I use to interact with customers on tills, taking orders, answering questions and doubts as a team member, making coffee, reporting compliance and stock information to the manager, and more.

  • Actively participated in meetings and presentation sessions at my previous employer to explain any issues, deadlines, and new technologies (for game development) to project managers and clients.

  • In my undergrad, I was a part of the promotion team for a popular local Maths Quiz. We promoted the event in multiple colleges and workplaces, and the Quiz event was a huge success that year.

  • I was active in school politics and was an official minister and class representative (CR) in high school and junior college.

  • I have actively participated in presentations for my degree projects such as B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering, Computer) and MSc (Game Technology).

  • I was a Vice President of a Neighbourhood Youth Group (NYG) for 2 years where I organised and managed lots of events and social service campaigns for the benefit of the community and destitutes.

Technical Experience






Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Oculus Quest

Oculus Go

AR Foundation


Cardboard VR

Source Control

Tortoise SVN



Visual Studio Community

Visual Studio Code



Unity Analytics



  • Optimised code by practically applying Design patterns and SOLID principles (and using profiler in Unity)

  • Worked on memory optimization (RAM) in Unity using Memory profiler

  • Draw call optimization for UI and environment using frame debugger in Unity

  • Asset optimization by Compression and enabling and disabling settings as per the requirement of the game.

Game Dev lifecycle

  • During my time at my previous company, I was involved in all stages of game development and am familiar with the process staring from pitch to launch.

  • In addition, I actively participated in Project Management Professional (PMP) where we used to discuss requirements, storyboard, System requirements, make a list of tasks, assign task, give time estimate for the assigned tasks and more

Managed DLL Implemetation

  • Implemented a Managed DLL using C# language and imported and used in Unity scripting.

  • Aiming to create an unmanaged DLL using C++ (in progress)

Android Web View (Android plugin)

Created an Android web view plugin in Android Studio to be imported and used in Unity.

Problem Solving

  • I believe understanding the problem is more important than directly jumping on a solution.

  • During my tenure, I was part of many brainstorming sessions about a specific requirement by the clients in the game and also spend dedicated time on understanding and exploring many new technologies like audio spatialization, Oculus lip sync(OVR), exploring environment and UI in Oculus quest, Teleportation in Oculus Go, Android Web view and more and make a final report of the research.