
TIP: Click on the title of the achievement to view the certificate

Awarded Outstanding Post-Graduate of the year by TIGA (The Independent Game Developers' Association) in my MSc (MSC in Computer Games Technology at City, University Of London)

C# Transcripts (Online Training by Microsoft Virtual Academy)

Gained fundamentals and console programming skills in C# at Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVC) upskilling from beginner-level to intermediate-level.

Best Rookie of the year

Awarded for best overall performance in task completion and was assigned complex projects within the first few months of my joining

Best Class Representative

Awarded with a certificate for best class representative from a Grad College.

Game of Codes

Participated in the annual intercollegiate coding competition organized by the CSI Student Chapter

ACM CPU Assembling workshop

Took part in the workshop organised by the prestigious ACM where the entire CPU was disassembled, and each component was explained and reassembled in a step-by-step manner

English Language Proficiency (IELTS)

Scored an overall band 7 in International English language testing system (IELTS) in the academic section.

IMEDITA Networking Industry working

Covered basics of networking, practically learnt how networking works in industries, working of real-time network devices.

Certificate of Participation in Hospitality Studies

Professional trained in Etiquette and table manners for Business lunch.

Certificate of Appreciation

Exemplary work in volunteering for the Intercollegiate Maths Quiz