SEO Ultimate Pro

The Best WordPress Plugins 

SEO Ultimate Pro Plugin: A Review

In the information age, where digital media, technology and cyberspace are becoming commonplace for everyone, websites are a great source of information on the world wide web. Being ranked high in search engines can make or break your business.

Many people in the industry know about SEO, but not everyone knows how to do it. That's where SEO Ultimate Pro comes in handy. It provides you with all the information you need to rank your site higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). The program also offers SEO tools that will help you monitor and manage your website's traffic.

Content management systems (CMS) like WordPress offer tons of flexibility. The platform powers over 35% of the Internet. However, WordPress lacks a lot of SEO functions that will help search engines find you online.

This is where the Wordpress SEO Plugin such as SEO Ultimate Pro comes in. As a result of these additions, you can control and tailor what information is shared with search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

What Is SEO Ultimate Pro?

In spite of not being as known as SEO Pack or Yoast, this plugin packs a powerful punch. Jeffrey Smith created this plugin originally for his own sites and client work, which is a free version. It's newest paid version, 2020 PRO upgrade which is the premium version of this plugin is what made SEO Ultimate Pro one of the best SEO plugin available.


        This is one of the most comprehensive plugins we have seen so far, with 22 Management Sections and multiple modules in each.

        We found several powerful features in Deep Interlinking Juggernaut that we didn't find in any other plugin (Semantic Tags).

        Resulted in a dramatic improvement in site rankings.

        A quick and easy UX environment for us to work in.


        Video training is available on each module, but there is a learning curve.

        License fees are paid annually but it also means bigger savings

Site Licenses Yearly Cost

Single Site – $49.00

 3 Site License – $89.00

 10 Site License – $147.00

 Agency 200 Site License – $497.00

 Agency 400 Site License – $997.00

We recommend SEO Ultimate Pro because of its unique features. With all the bells and whistles, SEO Ultimate delivers a great UX. The name of the module is listed, as well as the plugin's description.


SEO Plugin Patrol The Ultimate SEO Checklist
SEO Plugin Patrol SEO Ultimate Pro
SEO Plugin Patrol Ultimate SEO Pro
SEO Plugin Patrol SEO Ultimate Plugin

Key Features

Deeplink Juggernaut (Unique Powerful Option)

Your page/post content will automatically link to a URL that you specify when certain words or phrases appear.

With just a few clicks, you can build link equity and pass PageRank where you want it, so the right pages will rank on your site.

Users may choose which posts or pages receive auto-linking, and detailed controls ensure that over-optimization does not occur. The same-category or tag restriction can even be applied for tight siloing.

You can choose the dampening range so that the anchor text link only appears 70%, 50%, or 30% of the time. Additionally, you can dampen per post, control how many times a particular anchor text or page location is linked to from a particular page, and more.

That alone makes SEO Ultimate Pro worth the price. The module is the only one on the market with as much interlinking control as this one.

SEO Plugin Patrol Files

Semantic Tags (Unique Powerful Option)

Marking up pages or custom tags with linked-data / schema allows you to create a linked-data vocabulary for your website. This is an incredibly powerful feature that is covered in the plugin training.

A semantically related entity vocabulary can be fed to the bot for NLP consumption. Using the semantic tag, you can then link supporting articles and pages.

Getting the hang of this module requires a bit of learning, but once you do, it offers a great way to build semantic relevance throughout your site.

Deep Silo Builder

Building silos of links that are SEO-friendly will help you achieve a higher ranking.

Deep Silo Builder is very popular among people who create siloed sites. This module isn't for everyone, but if you want to create a siloed site, it ensures each permalink and hierarchy is in the proper place. Silos tend to be custom-built, but this is still a nice option for those unfamiliar with silos.

Additional Features of SEO Ultimate PRO

404 Monitor

With the 404 Monitor module, you can discover broken internal link structures, user agents, and bots. These are flexible options on how long to catalog 404 errors.

SEO Ultimate Pro

Alt Attribute Editor

From the media library, you can easily edit and optimize your images' alternative attributes.

It's not uncommon for a website to have more than 1,000 untagged images when doing SEO. Searching through media files by media file is a nightmare. Make mass editing of media files quick and efficient.


Consolidate page authority by using <link rel="canonical" /> meta tags.

Code Inserter

Your website's header, footer, and content above or below can contain HTML or 3rd party scripts. This is a good application for sitemap code, such as Google Analytics code, Google Search Console code, or Facebook tracking pixels.

Code Inserter+

Pages, posts, or post types can be customized with HTML or third-party scripts instead of global scripts. Even though this module seems simple, we found ourselves relying on it time and time again. This is why SEO Ultimate Pro is our go to SEO plugin. This tool allows users to insert code into a single page or post's header, body, or footer. We place our custom schema in this area.

File Editor

Edit your website's .htaccess file conveniently (without using FTP) from the file editor module.

Yes, you can edit your .htaccess if you know what you are doing in that file. If not, stay away as it's a great way to seriously damage your website, even having it disappear completely.

Import / Export

Import/Export to CSV is a convenient way to mass-edit data with SEO Ultimate PRO.

Import/Export to CSV is a convenient way to mass-edit data with SEO Ultimate PRO. Although it has a nice user interface, sometimes you have to use a spreadsheet.

Data from this wordpress plugin can be exported, modified in Excel or CSV, and then reimported.

Title Tag Rewriter

You can easily rewrite title tags and edit them in bulk with the Title Tag Rewriter Module in SEO Ultimate PRO.

Using this module, we could easily identify which pages did not have a title tag or meta description. The system also allowed us to quickly update and improve page descriptions and titles from a single page.

SEO Ultimate Pro KWs

Meta Description Editor

Improve your website's click-through rate by using this bulk meta description editor. Similar to the Tag Rewriter, it provided us with benefits on mass editing meta descriptions.

Meta Robots Tags Editor

Meta robots tags for pages, posts, and post types can be mass edited globally for your website.

The module helped us quickly implement nofollow and noindex instructions on our privacy pages, terms of service, tag archives, and paid media landing pages.

They also have options for no archives and no rich snippets. This is a very useful feature for large sites to control crawl budgets, as well as for all sites to control PageRank.

Miscellaneous Module

Miscellaneous settings are part of the group settings module and do not warrant their own dashboard.

There are a number of powerful features in this catch-all module. We learned that you can force all pages to render as https:// and you can tweak the permalinks so that categories are not included along with setting the Hreflang language. There is also a social sharing tool built-in.

SEO Ultimate Pro Links

No Follow Manager

Avoid penalties for specific pages and links by adding or managing the rel= "nofollow" tag.

Open Graph+

OpenGraph+ enables you to show specific images on social media websites based on your top pages and posts.

Using this module, you can generate a global open graph description for Facebook and Twitter, even if you have not generated an Open Graph for a specific page. Featuring a featured image and more, you can always ensure your social media posts are looking sharp.

SEO Data Importer

SEO Ultimate PRO imports SEO settings from the Yoast plugin and other plugins or themes.

It was straight forward to switch from the Yoast WordPress plugin or another plugin. In less than 60 seconds, we imported site settings from Yoast into SEO Ultimate.

In addition, we found that exporting a starter-setup file enabled you to set up the same basic settings across most WordPress sites. After you get a new client or site, you simply import the starter file and then customize it for that client or site. This saves a lot of time.



Schema Generator

Search engines index and rank pages, posts, and custom post types based on schema markup.

With Schema Control, you can create your custom fields and append them to what is created.


Increase rankings in search results is the ultimate goal of any WordPress website. There's so much more to put in other than great content and optimized social networks. For any WordPress website, a great plugin that works perfectly great for what you need is essential.

SEO Ultimate's new features in their latest premium version are definitely not something you want to miss. Only the modules of SEO Ultimate provided unique SEO design solutions for an absolutely great SEO design framework.

May it be reducing duplicate content, import settings, legacy settings, specific schema, silo sculpting, canonical tags and link flow, SEO Ultimate has a module for you.

Whether you are into cultural globalization, human activities, online advertising or E-commerce, you will need application software, a content management system that will allow your website or page to appear on the first page of a google search.

More traffic equals a higher ranking, and having an optimized website is a great way to get started.