SEO Press

The Best WordPress Plugins 

SEO Press Pro Plugin: A Review

As a website owner, you want to be able to attract and retain customers. You need an effective search engine optimization strategy that will get the right people to your site and keep them interested in what you have to offer. So how can you do this? Well, it starts with understanding what Google wants from websites. Website owners can use SEO plugins like SEOPress to help their business grow online.

The SEOPress plugin is a great way to make sure your website is optimized for internet search engines. It has a free and paid version, and each provides you with comprehensive reports about the performance of your site and tells you what needs to be done in order to improve it. The plugin also offers instructions on how to use it, so even beginners can learn to use it right away. 

What Exactly Is SEOPress?

SEOPress is a WordPress plugin that simplifies the challenging task of climbing the SERPs. Along with Yoast SEO and SEMrush, the plugin attempts to compile all of the key parts of SEO into a set of menus contained within a single plugin. It is the work of Benjamin Denis, a developer who previously designed the WordPress SEO plugins: WPCloudy and WP Admin UI.

SEOPress is available in two versions: a free version and a paid one known as SEOPress Pro. The free version offers all of the essential tools for getting started, while the Pro version includes a few additional capabilities for added advantage.

Everyone who owns a website is aware that reaching a position at the top of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is an ultimate focus with the help of SEO. 

You want to ensure that the website is seen by a wider audience, particularly whenever they are searching for a specific product you provide, and that they convert into paying customers. Search engine optimization can be a major element of how you accomplish this.

This can be done in two ways:

Pay a significant sum of money to an SEO firm to produce results, or do it yourself using a plugin like SEOPress.

Doing SEO yourself takes longer and will need additional time and work, but you retain complete control over the outcome and how you will be presented online. Plus, it will be considerably less expensive, and you can fine-tune your SEO on the fly as you explore new tactics.

SEO Press Pricing

SEOPress has managed to nail its pricing strategy. The main plugin is entirely free to use and comes equipped with all of the essential SEO tools necessary to have your website to rank the SERPs.

SEOPress Pro is only priced at $39 annually. This price is already set for an unlimited number of sites and contains all the pro features. There are no additional charges, and you get every single feature.


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SEO Plugin Patrol SEO Press And Custom Post Types
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SEOPress WordPress SEO Plugin Features

1. Titles and Metadata

The title and meta descriptions are critical components of any SEO campaign. They are, in fact, two of the most critical aspects for SEO, aside from the slug you select for the page's URL.

The ability to choose what is displayed in search engines allows you to take control as to how your pages are shown. SEOPress enables you to customize a meta element within your website, for example, the title and meta description, and you can do this directly from the plugin.

This is possible for the entire site, each page, and each post.

One of the best parts about this plugin is the comprehensive variable support. When you've been competing for clicks and improving rankings, your click-through rate (CTR) can contribute significantly. You may create a dynamic headline that encourages users to visit by using variables. For instance, using specific data like dates at the end of the title will encourage searchers to click through, as they are aware that the article was recently updated.

Specific Features:

Optimize WordPress Meta Title and Meta Description - Boost your search ranking and click-through rate (CTR) by directly modifying your content's title and meta description using the SEO metabox.

Individually Custom Meta-Robots - Simply click a box to indicate what can and can not be indexed globally or individually by search engine software. Includes the following: noindex, nofollow links, noodp, noimageindex, noarchive, and nosnippet.

Modify Your SEO Metadata Directly Within the Page Builder - Using the universal SEO metabox, you can control all of your SEO needs through any page builder. There will not be frequent switching between the editor and WordPress administration section.

Easy Installation With the Installation Wizard - Quickly set up basic SEO settings for your WordPress website fast and efficiently with the SEOPress six-step installation process. Start SEOPress without skipping any critical SEO stages, and you can get more information this way.

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2. Social Media Integration

Customer engagement is important when it comes to content. That’s why making use of social networks can dramatically improve your SEO. With SEOPress, website owners can improve their content sharing on social media to drive traffic and increase conversions. 

Specific Features:

Open Graph Meta Tags - SEOPress creates Open Graph metadata automatically to promote social sharing on the following platforms: Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Pinterest, and more.

Twitter Cards - Twitter has its very own meta tags. This is called Twitter Cards. SEOPress can generate this automatically. Like Open Graph tags, you can easily customize the title, description, and image.

Social Media Sharing Preview - Users can preview their content on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter directly from the SEO metabox. They can adjust the title, description, and, most importantly, the image to make it as appealing as possible.

3. Sitemaps

Search engines like Google, Microsoft Bing, and Yahoo! need XML sitemaps to guide search engines and web crawlers to your website. HTML sitemaps are used to lead users to specific pages. Both kinds aid bots and users in navigating your website, and both improve your overall SEO to a fair extent.

SEOPress users can create both sitemaps in less than a minute directly through the plugin. It's also worth mentioning that other popular plugins, including Yoast and AIO SEO, do not have the feature to create HTML sitemaps. So you may have to install a separate plugin for this feature alone.

Specific Features:

WordPress XML Sitemap - Create a customized XML sitemap by adding custom post types (posts, pages, WooCommerce products)

WordPress Image Sitemaps - SEOPress can immediately include images in your XML sitemap. This feature can increase visibility in Google Images. The plugin supports normal images, featured images, and even product images.

Video Sitemaps (PRO) - Add videos to your sitemaps manually, regardless of if they are featured on your website or through YouTube, Vimeo, or another provider. Boost search engine indexing for your website videos, and rank higher in Google's video search results.

WordPress News XML Sitemaps (PRO) - Use SEOPress' XML News sitemaps feature to publish your articles to Google News. Help Google to find your posts better and enhance your news' indexing.

Author Sitemaps - Outline article authors in a specialized sitemap.

WordPress HTML Sitemaps - You can use SEOPress' shortcode to conveniently embed the HTML sitemap into a webpage. With a single click, you can alter the order and even sorting criteria, as well as exclude specific posts.

4. Google Analytics

Even if you can directly access Google Analytics in your Google account, having the option to view it within the WordPress dashboard can be helpful. You need to provide SEOPress logins for your Google account to start collecting data. Other than that, the plugin will take care of it automatically. There is not enough data here as it is in the Google Search Console, but there is more than enough for you to start working on.

Specific Features:

Enhanced E-commerce Google Performance and Analytics Tools (PRO) - Send data about your products to Google Analytics. To use this feature, WooCommerce integration is required.

Google Analytics Stats (PRO) - You can access statistical data gathered from Google Analytics right from the WordPress dashboard.

Google Analytics + Google Ads - Connect Google Ads to your Google Analytics account to get a comprehensive view of the visitors interacting with your advertising campaigns.

Other Advanced Google Analytics Features

5. Google Knowledge Graph

Having Google Knowledge Graph integrated into the SEOPress plugin is a big boost.

If you're unfamiliar with this term, search Google for a specific brand, book, film, or author and check the right side of the results page. You should see a box with a brief description, social network links, online links, and other information.

That is an example of a Google Knowledge Graph. SEOPress allows users to create their own, which will be displayed each time you appear in a search result.

SEO Press

6. Image SEO

Automatically optimize your website images for improved SEO. You can boost your Google Images traffic.

7. Google Local Business / Local SEO (PRO)

Local search is vital for a handful of sites, specifically those that are involved with physical stores and local services. SEOPress allows the user to manage and optimize your Google Maps presence. You can customize your company name, address, geographical coordinates, URL, and contact information, and other important components for local search. Local SEO is a paid feature for the SEO Press PRO WordPress plugin. For a small fee, you can gain access to this helpful tool that will assist you with your local SEO strategy. 

You can add your Local Business schema to your website. Users will also gain access to a knowledge graph in Google Search results and increased visibility on Google Maps.

Specific Features:

Local Business Schema - Increase your odds of gaining the noteworthy knowledge graph for your local business on the Google SERPS. Modify your description, business's opening hours, and website. You won’t need coding experience to use this feature.

Local Business Widget - Boost your expertise, reliability, and credibility by displaying your local company information to users, customers, and search engines using the SEOPress Local SEO widget.

8. WooCommerce SEO

Boost your WooCommerce website sales with the use of SEOPress.

Specific Features:

XML Product Sitemaps & Images - When you submit an XML sitemap for your WooCommerce product listing, you can make it simple for search engines to index them. Keep Google informed of the latest improvements to the content created and assist the robot's exploration. By using SEOPress, you can allow images sitemap to immediately add the following:

Images for WooCommerce products

Image galleries for WooCommerce

Manual & Automatic Product Schema 

Google Analytics E-commerce Enhanced Tool (PRO) - With the SEOPress' GA Enhanced E-commerce integration, you can keep track of the following: transactions, add to shopping cart, and remove from shopping cart. Analyze Google Analytics occurrences and make informed decisions to help you develop a good digital marketing strategy.

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9. Google Structured Data Types

Mark up your website content with structured data from the protocol to appear in the search results in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing via Rich Snippets. Increased visibility can result in increased conversion.

Specific Features:

Local Enterprises - Include a local business scheme in the search results that include images, Google Maps location, operating hours, an average cost, and coordinates.

Product Schema - Are you the owner of an E-commerce website? 

Mark up your products to appear directly in Google's search results and also in Google Images for specific elements like the product image, product prices, availability, and customer reviews of your product.

Job Schema - Is your company hiring? Do you also have job listings on your website? Insert a JobPosting schema to each page to increase their visibility in the SERPs and generate more applications.

Video Schema - Integrate video schemas into your website to assist Google in properly understanding the message of your videos. The videos will appear in all aspects of Google, including the search, video, image, and Google Discover results.

Service Schema - Is your company a service provider? Create markup for your content to assist search engines in understanding what your company doesgrammar-checking.

Event Schema - Do you wish to promote a specific event? An event schema might help you get more coverage. Create rich Google snippets for your events to increase traffic and bookings.

Article Schema - Are you a writer, blogger, or even a news contributor?  By including this schema in your blog post, you can maximize your odds of appearing in Google's top stories.  This is an excellent way to increase your traffic.

Recipe Schema - By including this schema in your recipes, you can increase your odds of appearing in Google's recipes block. 

FAQ Schema - If your website includes a FAQ section, organize the questions and answers schematically to increase your chances of landing in the coveted zero position (featured snippet) in the search engine results.

Review Schema - If your site contains a Review schema, Google may display the star ratings in the search results. Increased visibility equals increased click-through rate.

Software Application Schema - If you add a software application schema to your website, Google may display the number of stars, supported platform (iOS or others), and price in the results pages.

Course schema - If you have added a Course schema to your website, more potential students can find your course via Google Search.

How-To Schema - A website with "how-to" tutorial content can greatly benefit when added with a how-to schema.

Custom Schema - If you're looking for a specific kind of schema and SEOPress doesn't have a setting for it, you can simply use the custom schema.

Advanced Schema Conditions - With pinpoint accuracy, you can add an automated schema based on certain advanced conditions.

SEO Press Links

10. URL Redirection (PRO) 

Use SEOPress' redirection tool to manage and monitor website redirects and 404 errors to avoid traffic and SEO loss.

Specific Features:

Redirect Manager - Can create different types of redirects (301, 302, 307, 410, & 451), categorize redirects, and import & export redirects.

Redirect Importation (CSV)

Export Redirections - Includes ability to export redirects into a CSV file or .htaccess file.

export to .htaccess file

Automatic Redirects - Notify you when content is deleted or the slug changes in order to create a redirect in a single click and prevent unnecessary traffic loss.

404 Monitoring  - Detect and resolve broken links on your site, and improve customer experience and decrease your crawl budget.

11. 404 Monitoring 

404 monitoring is a feature included with SEOPress Pro that scans websites for broken links and directly interacts with a standalone broken link checker to make sure your website is fully accessible. Although providing links may not strengthen your SEO directly, having broken links can work against you. Broken links can harm the user's experience, and this is something you wouldn't want.

12. Broken Link Checker

SEOPress' broken link checker performs a similar function to the 404 monitoring tool, except without the monitoring. SEOPress users must initiate a scan, and the method is very similar. The plugin will scan your site for any broken links and provide you with a list of them to fix.

Users can then begin looking through the links, modifying or removing them as necessary. It is a key aspect of technical SEO. Typically, you'll need to buy software for this specific purpose to automate this process. This is a huge asset for SEOPress users since it is a built-in feature.

It's also worth mentioning that this feature is not accessible in other software like Yoast.

13. Breadcrumbs (PRO)

Create optimized breadcrumbs using SEOPress' Breadcrumb too. Help enhance your website's visitor accessibility and SEO.

Specific Features:

HTML Breadcrumbs - Modify or build custom HTML breadcrumbs presented in Google search results directly beneath your meta title by adding one to your site.

Breadcrumbs Schema (JSON-LD) - SEOPress HTML breadcrumbs are represented by the Google structured data type called "breadcrumbs.” Can you take advantage of the benefits of this schema without showcasing it to your visitors? You can simply enable the breadcrumbs in the JSON-LD option to make them visible only to search engines.

Modify Breadcrumbs - You can also modify your breadcrumbs as you prefer through SEOPress.


14. Content Analysis

SEOPress' content analysis feature performs admirably. It's not like grammar checking software like Grammarly, which gives ideas on how to improve your errors. This feature is more about headlines, titles, content structure, and pictures, as well as general assistance with arranging your material for SEO, specifically tweaking your on-page optimization to maximize your ranking potential.

If something is missing within the content, the plugin will highlight it for you then you can resolve it.

Another point to remember is that the software can determine if you used the same keywords or not. Keyword matching has to be exact, meaning if you use incomplete keywords, they will be overlooked. If you also use synonyms, this may not be highlighted. This is one of many instances where the mind can handle this instinctively, although search engine algorithms will find it quite challenging to analyze.

Although we should not blame the software for that, hardly any of the competing SEO plugins have achieved that so far, leaving all the plugins on an equal level.

SEO Press WordPress SEO Plugin: Advantages and Disadvantages

Each plugin has a number of advantages and disadvantages, as well as strengths and limitations. SEOPress is no exception, although the benefits considerably outweigh the downsides in this case.


Free Version Available - SEOPress's free version is a major contender as a WordPress SEO plugin. It comes with a variety of tools, includes the majority of the essential SEO tools you possibly need, makes it simple to import other SEO plugin settings, and can work efficiently.

Reasonable Pricing – The SEOPress PRO version pricing is also reasonable. While $39 a year could seem excessive in comparison to what you will get and what other competitors charge, it's not as excessive as you would think. You receive all the features mentioned above and are allowed to use them on unlimited sites. The majority of WordPress plugins have a limit on the number of sites on which their product can be used, not so in this case.

Full of Features – SEOPress is completely free and includes just about anything you need to get started with SEO, from sitemaps to Google Analytics and also a handy content analysis tool.

Content Analysis – One other strong contender for this plugin is the Content Analysis tool. While you shouldn't let Google's algorithm dictate how and what you write, it is helpful to monitor the performance of your content headlines, structure, and even keyword terms frequently used in more authoritative websites.

Google's Knowledge Graph – A knowledge graph is an excellent tool for increasing engagement. Your bio contains all of the necessary information for the customer, along with the links to your social media profiles, websites, and any images you wish to use. It won't do much for SEO, but it can help tremendously with brand image.

Excellent Documentation – The majority of SEO plugins require some amount of expertise to take full advantage of them. And while this is true, there is also a variety of documentation and supplemental information available for new users. And although the plugin is quite simple, there is a learning curve and some methods to master. The documentation makes every effort to ensure that you are able to do so.


Complexity – Every SEO plugin can be difficult to master, and it is not a specific criticism for SEOPress. Each WordPress SEO plugin requires the same level of work to learn and master.

Not Popular – SEOPress was made by an unknown person, unlike Yoast, for example.  SEOPress' creator, Ben aka Rainbowgeek, has created two additional plugins, WPCloudy and WP Admin UI. Both plugins have a combined total of 13,000 active installs. 


Should You Consider Buying This Plugin?

SEOPress offers SEO services such as titles and meta descriptions, social media content integration, content analysis using unlimited keywords, and more. In contrast to its competitors like Yoast and AIO SEO, this plug-in offers HTML and XML sitemaps. Other plugins also fail to provide services such as Google Analytics Enhanced E-commerce, the ability to import metadata from CSV files, Google structured data types, and Google suggestions, but they are made available on SEOPress.

The pricing is accurate. There are numerous features. The design is superb, and the overall structure and navigation are so straightforward that someone who is completely new to WordPress can keep up. Will you buy this plugin? Find out more about the best WordPress SEO plugin here.