Best Wordpress SEO Plugin

The Best WordPress Plugins 

What Is The Best WordPress SEO Plugin? 

So, you've recently created an excellent website and now you need to drive traffic to it. Or perhaps you're developing a new website and want to ensure it's search engine optimized?

Why Would You Need a WordPress SEO Plugin? 

WordPress is an excellent content management system (CMS) that provides a great deal of flexibility. WordPress powers 35% of the Internet. However, WordPress comes with a severe lack of SEO functionality and features that enable search engines to find you more easily.

Introducing WordPress SEO plugins, these WordPress plugins enable you to manage and customize the information you share to search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. We chose Swiss Army Knife selections for our SEO plugin brawl because they provide a broad range of SEO benefits for WordPress.

What is the best WordPress SEO plugin?

We put all of the main players through their paces on our test site. You can read the facts below, but in a nutshell, we are pleased to announce SEO Ultimate Pro as our Best SEO Plugin winner. It's one of the obvious winners in all of our reviews across all Patrol sites.

Definite Winner: SEO Ultimate Pro

This relatively unknown (for now) plugin packs a tremendous punch. Initially developed by Jeffrey Smith for his personal sites and customer business, he released a free version of this plugin in a YEAR. However, it is the latest 2020 PRO upgrade that has cemented this as our clear winner.


With 22 Management Sections, each of which has various modules, this is one of the most versatile plugins in the competition.

Many powerful features that we were unable to locate in other plugins (Deep Interlinking Juggernaut and Semantic Tags).

When completely implemented, significantly improved site rankings (case study articles to follow).

A simple user interface environment in which we may work efficiently and productively.


There is no content analyzer (we prefer unique content tools for this).

There is a learning curve, but excellent video instructions are offered for each topic.

Annual license price. (Affordable in comparison to what you get. Discounts for bulk purchases are available).


1 Site: $49.00

License for 3 sites: $89.00

License for 10 sites: $147.00

License for 200 sites: $497.00

License for 400 sites: $997.00


SEO Plugin Patrol What Is Best SEO Plugin For Wordpress
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SEO Plugin Patrol Best Wordpress SEO Plugin
SEO Plugin Patrol Which SEO Plugin Is Best For Wordpress

There is a slight learning curve in terms of how to think about the application on your site, but once you get the hang of it, this module is an excellent method to develop semantic relevance across your site. We're planning a separate post on this module in the near future. Keep an eye out!

SEO Plugin Patrol Files

Deep Silo Constructor 

Create an SEO-friendly, topic-based web architecture with siloed linking structures to help you get higher ranks.

Our testers advocate for segregated website architecture. While this module is not for everyone, if you're looking for a simple approach to construct a siloed site, this module ensures that each permalink and hierarchy is in its proper place. While we prefer to custom silo our sites, this is an excellent option for individuals unfamiliar with siloing.

Update: Several new beta modules were previewed with us while we were writing our review. While they are not yet publicly available, if this new development materializes, it will undoubtedly increase the standard for SEO plugins.

Runner-Up Plugin - Rank Math

Rank Math, which is more well-known than our winner, is a strong contender to SEO Ultimate Pro. Rank Math "simplifies the process of optimizing content by providing built-in recommendations based on widely-accepted best practices."

Additionally, Rank Math enables users to "customize critical SEO parameters, manage which pages are indexable, and how you want your website's structured data to appear in search." Rank Math provides a comprehensive suite of services and tools. To mention a few, it is the only plugin that integrates advanced Google Analytics, a keyword rank tracker, email updates on SEO performance, speakable schema, and Google Trends. Additionally, it is simple to browse due to its user-friendly layouts, and it has modules to assist with learning. Rank Math provides the capacity to rank and compete for local firms in the business digital marketplace. Finally, it earns a rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars on WordPress for its speed and minimal memory utilization.

Best Wordpress SEO Plugin

While the Rank Math plugin has numerous advantages, there are a few points to consider before buying. To begin, Rank Math does not include Deep Interlinking Juggernaut or Semantic Tags compared to SEO Ultimate Pro. These one-of-a-kind services benefit the user and may be helpful in increasing your SEO position. Another consideration is the cost. Rank Math offers a free subscription with restricted functionality, followed by Pro and Business editions. The Pro edition costs $59 per year and features an infinite number of personal websites, 500 keyword tracking, a comprehensive schema generator, and 24/7 support. The Business plan is $199 a year and includes support for client websites, 10,000 keyword tracking, a robust schema generator, and priority 24/7 support.


Well-established and has a track record of reliability.

In terms of site bloat, it is leaner than Yoast.


Missing several of our winner's distinguishing characteristics (semantic tags, deep linking, silo builder)


Pro: $129.00 per year (current special is $59)

Business: $429 per year (current special is $199).

SEO Plugin Side-By-Side Comparison 

Feature      SEO Ultimate PRO  Rank Math Yoast  SEOPress AIO SEO

Plugin Folder size   Plugin Folder size 11MB Plugin Folder size10.5 MB Plugin Folder size36.0 MB  Plugin Folder size15.5 MB Plugin Folder size12.2 MB

Semantic Tag Library      YES NO  NO  NO  NO

Finely Customizable Automated Interlinking YES NO  NO  NO  NO

Wheels Linking Automation      YES NO  NO  NO  NO

404 Log      YES YES NO  NO  NO

Cloaked Links Creator    YES YES NO  NO  NO

Optimal Settings Can Be Uploaded     YES YES SORT OF   SORT OF   SORT OF

Clean User Interface       YES YES SORT OF   SORT OF   SORT OF

Keyword Rank Tracker   NO  YES NO  NO  NO

Track Winning Losing Keywords  NO  YES NO  NO  NO

Add Custom Schema Using JSON+LD/HTML   YES YES NO  NO  NO

Custom Schema Builder YES YES NO  NO  NO

Add Unlimited Multiple Schemas YES YES NO  NO  NO

Advanced Bulk Edit Options      YES YES NO  NO  NO

Advanced Schema Generator   YES YES NO  NO  NO

Per Page Code Inserter Module YES NO  NO  NO  NO

Google Trends Integration NO  YES NO  NO  NO


Pre-defined Schema Types       22    18    NO  NO  NO

Complete Import/Export Options   YES YES YES YES YES

Advanced Quick Edit Options   YES YES NO  NO  NO

Track PageSpeed for Each Post & Page NO  YES NO  NO  NO

Auto Canonical URLs     YES YES YES YES YES

Google Search Console Integration     YES YES NO  NO  NO

Google Analytics Code Insertion  YES YES YES YES NO

1 Click ImportFrom other SEO Platforms YES YES NO  NO  NO

Powerful Post Optimization       YES YES NO  NO  NO

Bulk Edit Titles & Descriptions  YES YES YES YES NO

Control SEO For Single Pages YES (Also Mass Editing Available)      YES YES YES YES

Control The Title  YES (Also Mass Editing Available)      YES YES YES YES

Control Meta Description YES (Also Mass Editing Available)      YES YES YES YES


Silo Creator   YES NO  NO  NO  NO

Customizable Automated Interlinking  YES NO  NO  NO  NO

Powerful XML Sitemap   YES YES YES YES YES

Facebook Open Graph   YES YES YES YES YES

Facebook Authorship     YES YES YES YES NO

FB Open Graph for Homepage YES YES YES YES YES

Automatic Twitter Meta Cards    YES YES YES YES YES

Twitter Card for Homepage        YES YES YES YES YES

Default Twitter Card Type   YES YES YES YES YES

Module Based System    YES YES NO  YES NO

Smart & Automatic Post Redirects        YES YES YES YES YES

Advanced 404 Monitor    YES YES NO  NO  NO

Social Media Optimization YES YES YES YES YES

Default OpenGraph Thumbnail YES YES YES YES YES

Two Social Sharing Services Integrated YES NO  NO  NO  NO

Modify Global Meta  YES YES YES YES YES

Strip Category Base YES YES YES YES NO

Search Engine Verification Tools YES YES YES YES YES

.htaccess Editor    YES YES NO  NO  NO

robots.txt Editor     YES YES NO  YES YES

Import/Export Settings     YES YES YES YES YES

RSS Optimization NO  YES YES YES YES

Additional Plugins in Our Shootout


Yoast SEO is the most popular WordPress SEO plugin thanks to its early-to-market and cost-free strategy that established and maintained its dominance in terms of downloads. Yoast SEO is a solid alternative for inexperienced SEOs or webmasters with limited knowledge of SEO, but it lacks the horsepower and customization options of our winner or runner-up. It promises to improve traffic from search engines like Google and Bing, increase reader engagement, and integrate social media. However, the plugin's primary focus and strength is its vast keyword and key phrase generating and analysis. This plugin may be an excellent alternative for niche users.

Best Wordpress SEO Plugin KWs

On the downside, Yoast lacks the breadth of services offered by Rank Math or SEO Ultimate Pro. It focuses on keyword optimization and content analysis, which are simply the tip of the iceberg in terms of possible SEO efforts. Additionally, it requires a yearly license cost, making it a more expensive option than Rank Math or other competitors. The following table details the pricing for its plans:



Single Site - $89

2 Sites - $169.10

3 Sites - $253.65

4 Sites - $338.20

5 Sites - $400.50

10 Sites - $756.50


The remaining contenders in the WordPress plugin list are likely the most comparable. SEOPress provides a variety of SEO services, including title and meta description creation, social media content integration, and infinite keyword content analysis. It includes HTML and XML sitemaps, which are not included in competitors such as Yoast and AIO SEO. Other plugins also fail to include Google analytics-enhanced Ecommerce, the option to import metadata from a CSV file, Google suggestions, Google structured data types, but SEOPress does. However, with a Pro subscription costing $39 per year, this plugin is one of the more affordable solutions. Finally, SEOPress distinguishes itself with its Insights feature, which is an additional $99 per year per site but provides rank and backlink tracking statistics.

Best Wordpress SEO Plugin - Links

As with all other plugin solutions, SEOPress has some drawbacks that ultimately outweigh its advantages. For instance, numerous SEO services are excluded, including Deep Interlinking Juggernaut and Semantic Tags, Advanced Google Analytics Integration, Google Trends Integration, advanced schema generator, keyword rank tracker, and speakable schema. SEOPress is simply not powerful enough to compete with SEO Ultimate Pro, Rank Math, or even Yoast. Finally, this plugin is ranked poorly owing to its lack of functionality and SEO services.

All-In-One SEO (AIO SEO) <h3>

The All In One SEO or (AIO) plugin is comparable to SEOPress but lacks the strength of the more popular plugins. Although this plugin does provide some excellent SEO and content management features. AIO takes pride in both the plugin's usability and client service. You do not need to be a professional or an SEO expert to examine and comprehend the data generated by this plugin.

Its SEO packages include unique user roles for SEO, local SEO, Google News Sitemaps, smart XML sitemaps, rich snippets schema, RSS content, and video SEO sitemaps, as well as social network integration. Additionally, AIO offers TruSEO On-Page Analysis, which improves product pages and categories by analyzing meta descriptions, title tags, and keyword data. This plugin is meant to work seamlessly with all SEO tools.

Unfortunately, AIO is ranked last on the list since it lacks the powerful tools offered by its competitors. As with SEOPress, AIO offers a plethora of useful and fascinating SEO tools for both novices and experts, but is not among the pack's leaders. Additionally, it is a more costly choice that provides less capability than other plugins. The following sections detail the costs associated with each plan:

Basic - $39.60/year for one site

Features: unlimited keywords, powerful sitemaps, smart schema markup, advanced SEO modules, social media integration, WooCommerce SEO, TruSEO analysis, custom breadcrumbs, user access control, standard support

Plus: $79.60/year

Features: Basic & Local SEO Module, Image SEO Module 

Pro: $159.60/year 

Features: Plus & Video Sitemap, News Sitemap, 404 Error Tracking, Redirection Manager, Priority Support 

Elite: $239.60 

Features: Pro & Multi-Site Support, Client Management, Premium Support

More of the Winner's Features: SEO Ultimate Pro 

A simple-to-use interface makes it easy to access any of the modules.

XML & HTML Sitemaps

Create HTML or XML sitemaps for search engines to use in order to boost crawl depth and indexation.

Yes, WordPress now generates a sitemap automatically. Additionally, other plugins generate sitemaps, although our winner comes in a close second to them in terms of features and customizing.



404 Monitoring 

The 404 Monitoring module makes it easier to find broken links from internal sites, user agents, and bots.

Various complex options like how long to catalog 404s, etc.

Alt Attribute Editor

Enables the user to easily change and optimize the alternative attributes (alt tags) of your photographs directly from the media library.

We've all been faced with the task of optimizing a website that already contains 1,000 untagged photos. It's a nightmare to sift through each media file one by one. Rather than that, mass edit them swiftly and efficiently on a single page.


Create meta tags with the link rel="canonical" /> attribute to avoid duplicating content and to consolidate page authority.

Code Inserter 

Add HTML or third-party scripts to your website's header, footer, or above or below the content on a global basis.

Excellent for sitemap code such as Google Analytics, GSC, and Facebook tracking pixels, among others.

Code Inserter +

Rather than worldwide, add HTML or third-party scripts to pages, posts, or post kinds.

Though this appears to be a straightforward module, we found ourselves using it again. It enables the user to insert code into the header, body, or footer of a single page or post. This is where we stored each page's handcrafted schema. Additionally, it is importable and exportable.

File Editor

Edit your website's .htaccess file directly from the file editor module (without using FTP).

Yes, you can modify your .htaccess file if you are familiar with the contents of that file. If not, stay away since this is an excellent method to cause major damage to your site, potentially causing it to disappear entirely.


Save time by mass-editing data with the SEO Ultimate PRO Import/Export to CSV function.

While our winner's user interface is attractive, there are occasions when you need to work in a plain old-fashioned spreadsheet. Export any type of data directly from the plugin, update it in Excel or a CSV editor, and then fly it back up.

Title Tag Rewriter

With SEO Ultimate PRO's Title Tag Rewriter Module, you can easily update and rewrite title tags in bulk.

This module enabled us to swiftly determine whether any pages lacked a title tag or meta description. Additionally, from a single page, we were able to easily alter and improve both page names and descriptions.

Meta Descriptions Editor 

Conveniently mass-edit the meta descriptions of your entire website to increase click-through rates.

Identical to the Tag Rewriter, provided us with similar benefits.

This module enabled us to easily implement no-follow, no-index directives on our terms of service pages, privacy pages, tag archives, and paid media landing pages. Additionally, the No Archive and No Snippet choices are added. This is a useful tool for huge sites that want to manage their crawl budget and for all sites that want to manage their PageRank.

Miscellaneous Modules 

The miscellaneous module contains group parameters that are not sufficiently distinct to justify their own dashboard.

This catch-all module is actually rather strong. Along with configuring the Hreflang language, we learned that you can force all sites to render as https:// and change permalinks to exclude some categories. Additionally, two built-in social sharing options are available.

NoFollow Manager

To avoid potential consequences for specific pages and links, add or adjust the rel="nofollow" tag.

Open Graph + 

Utilize the OpenGraph+ to optimize your top pages and posts so that certain photographs are displayed on social media networks.

We appreciate this module since it generates a generic open graph description for Facebook and Twitter in the absence of a page-specific open graph. This ensures that your social media postings always look professional, complete with a featured image and more.

Import SEO Data 

Import data from Yoast and other plugins or themes into SEO Ultimate PRO using the SEO Data Importer.

The transition from YOAST or another plugin was effortless. In less than 60 seconds, we exported a site's settings from YOAST and integrated them into SEO Ultimate. The other amazing tip we discovered was to enter the default settings for all websites and then export them as a starter-setup file. If you acquire a new client or site, you just import the beginning file and then complete the site's changes. This was a tremendous time-saver.

Schema Generator

Manage 22 schema markup types for posts, webpages, and custom post kinds to assist search engines in classifying and ranking your material.

Numerous Schema controls, including a generator from fields and the ability to simply apply your own adjustments to what is created.