What Is The Best Free SEO Plugin For 301 Redirect

The Best WordPress Plugins 

What is the Most Effective Free SEO Plugin for 301 Redirect?


Have you ever typed a website address into your browser, only to be redirected to an error 404 page? When a user attempts to access a page that no longer exists, the dreaded error 404 appears. This may be highly stressful and embarrassing for business owners who want to provide their clients with the greatest possible online experience.

However, it does not have to be this way. By establishing 301 redirects, you can ensure that your customers' journey continues uninterrupted, preventing them from encountering 404 pages! But how do you do it?


If you want a free and simple approach to setting up 301 redirects, then an SEO plugin is the ideal option! This article defines a 301 redirect and examines the top free SEO plugins for 301 redirects.


What Is a 301 Redirect?


A 301 redirect is an essential tool for website owners who need to relocate a page permanently from one URL to another. It is a status code that instructs the browser to navigate to the new URL for the relocated page.

This is helpful for website owners who wish to ensure that their users are always led to the proper page, even if they have saved or linked to an old URL.


Consider a 301 redirect to be an email forwarding service. If mail is delivered to your old address, it will be instantly forwarded to your new residence. Similarly, when a user accesses an old URL on your website, the 301 redirects will send them to the new page.


This prevents users from landing on a 404 error page or being stuck in an infinite redirect loop. In addition, search engines will identify 301 redirects and update their indexes accordingly, making it easier for people to locate your content. 

Why Is a Redirect Plugin Necessary?


Installing a redirect plugin on your website is vital for maintaining its health and functionality. It automates the process of redirecting users from broken links to the relevant page, so preventing them from reaching a dead end.


This is particularly crucial when transferring your site to WordPress or modifying the URL structures of your pages, as it can help you avoid broken links, which can negatively impact your site's rankings and the user experience.


Broken links are like a GPS that leads you to a dead end: annoying and time-consuming. You don't want this to happen to your site visitors, so it is essential to regularly check for broken links.


A redirect plugin will allow you to keep track of all the changes made to your website and ensure that your visitors are always directed to the correct page.

All-In-One SEO


All in One SEO is a robust WordPress plugin that facilitates search engine optimization. It comes with a free edition that contains all the necessary elements for getting started, including meta tags and keyword optimization.


The premium version of All in One SEO features a robust redirection manager that makes it simple to handle 301 redirects, track 404 problems, and eliminate dead links.


This tool allows you to effortlessly insert your old and target URLs into the proper sections and redirect them to the new content whenever you remove or modify a URL.


In addition, All in One SEO permits you to redirect multiple URLs to the same destination URL and gives a comprehensive history of all redirects and 404s on your website.


All in One SEO is an indispensable tool for website owners who wish to boost their search engine rankings. It provides an intuitive interface that makes it easy to set up redirects and monitor issues without manually editing code or worrying about broken links.


Quick Page/Post Redirect 


Quick Page/Post Redirect is an exceptionally handy plugin for WordPress users who need to set up redirects from old URLs to new ones quickly and effortlessly. Its user-friendly interface allows you to configure 301 and 302 redirects from within the pages' and posts' options, eliminating the need to leave the post.


This is tremendously helpful for individuals who are still establishing their content strategy and wish to put up redirects prior to the publication of new pages and posts.


The plugin's bulk import and export capabilities make it suitable for large or enterprise websites with a high number of redirects to handle. This feature allows you to handle all of your redirects in a single location, making it much easier than entering each one separately.


Quick Page/Post Redirect is an indispensable plugin for WordPress users that require quick and simple redirection features.


SEO Plugin Patrol SEO 301 Redirect
SEO Plugin Patrol 301 Redirect SEO
SEO Plugin Patrol SEO Redirect 301
SEO Plugin Patrol Wordpress Plugin 301 Redirect

Yoast SEO Premium


Yoast SEO Premium is a fantastic plugin for WordPress users who wish to step up their SEO game. It provides an extensive set of capabilities that make it simple to optimize your website for search engine rankings.


One of the essential features of Yoast SEO Premium is its redirect manager, which enables you to simply redirect web pages to a different destination. When creating redirects, you can utilize the 301 (Permanently Moved), 302 (Found), 307 (Temporary Redirect), 410 (Gone Error), and 451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons) status codes.


Moreover, if you change the URL of an existing post or page, Yoast SEO Premium will automatically create a redirect from the old URL to the new URL, making it easier than ever to keep your content up-to-date and correctly indexed by search engines.


With this potent tool at your disposal, you can ensure that all site users are redirected to the correct page regardless of future modifications.

Does 301 Redirect Affect SEO Files

SEO Redirection 


SEO Redirection is an excellent plugin for managing website redirects. It enables you to easily configure a variety of redirects, including 301 redirects when a post's URL changes.


You can also easily monitor 404 error pages and redirect them to another URL. This plugin also enables you to redirect entire folders and their contents, including your index.html file.


The SEO Redirection plugin also maintains track of all of your site's redirects in one location, making them easy to manage. This is very useful if you need to redirect several posts or pages.

What Is The Best Free SEO Plugin For 301 Redirect

Simple Website Redirect


If you need to redirect a complete website to another domain, the Simple Website Redirect plugin is an excellent option. This plugin allows you to accomplish this both temporarily and permanently, making it ideal for transferring your website to a new domain.


It is also beneficial if you're redesigning your entire website and want to redirect all the old URLs to the new ones.


Simple Website Redirect, unlike other plugins on the list, can easily manage large-scale redirects. The plugin creator advises using the Redirection plugin for smaller-scale redirection, such as pointing a single URL from an old website to a new page.

Broken Link Checker


Broken Link Checker is a free plugin developed by WPMU DEV to assist site owners in detecting broken links in their posts, pages, comments, custom fields, and blogrolls. It automatically analyzes your WordPress site and alerts you when it's complete.


In the Broken Links area of your dashboard, you may simply edit the links without having to update each post and page individually. If you do not wish to enter a new URL to redirect the link, you may omit it, and the text will remain unchanged.


This plugin is immensely valuable for website owners who want to guarantee their material is up-to-date, and all links are functioning properly. It saves time by automating the process of identifying and fixing broken links with only a few clicks.

What Is The Best Free SEO Plugin For 301 Redirect - Guide KWs
What Is The Best Free SEO Plugin For 301 Redirect - Links

404 Solution


The 404 Solution plugin is an excellent approach to maintaining your website's flawless operation. It redirects visitors who land on a 404 page to an existing page on your website and notes the issues for your examination. This makes it simple to spot broken links or sites that require attention and to fix them promptly.


Additionally, the plugin presents suggestions for the best potential match for the URL that the visitor was likely attempting to access. This ensures that users are not trapped in a loop of dead-end pages and are instead led to the desired content.


When Should a 301 Redirect Be Used?


When making changes to a website, a 301 redirect is an essential tool for site owners to employ. It guarantees that visitors are sent to the right page regardless of whether the URL has changed or the page has been erased. This helps preserve a positive user experience and search engine rankings.


If any of the aforementioned situations apply to your website, it is essential to consider employing a 301 redirect when making modifications. For instance, if you have permanently deleted a website but want readers to access a comparable page instead, you should use a 301 redirect.


Similarly, if you're changing your URL structure or moving your site to a different domain, you must utilize a 301 redirect to ensure that visitors can still locate what they're seeking.


Are 301 Redirects Harmful to SEO?


301 redirects are an essential component of SEO since they ensure that users and search engines are sent to the appropriate page. This is particularly crucial when a website has been redesigned or restructured, as it ensures that any existing links to the old page will continue to function.


In addition, 301 redirects can aid in enhancing PageRank, Google's algorithm for determining the "value" of a page based on the number and quality of its links. Although PageRank is not the only ranking criterion, it is often assumed that a greater PageRank corresponds to a higher position on search engine results pages (SERPs).


This was validated by Google, making 301 redirects a crucial SEO tactic for optimizing a website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).


What Does a 301 Redirect Plugin for WordPress Do?


WordPress 301 redirect plugins are an excellent method for ensuring that your website's users and search engines are always redirected to the right page. When a URL is deleted or changed, it can be challenging for users to locate the new page or post. A 301 redirect plugin automatically directs users to the new URL, preventing them from becoming upset.


A 301 redirection is a permanent redirection that informs search engines that a page or post has been permanently relocated to a different URL. This helps to preserve your SEO rankings and prevents broken links from appearing on search engine results pages (SERPs).


It also ensures that anytime the removed URL is searched for, the new URL will be served instead. Using a WordPress 301 redirect plugin, you can handle all of your website's redirects without manually editing the.htaccess file on your hosting server.


To Summarize


In conclusion, despite the fact that there are numerous excellent free SEO plugins that provide some level of 301 redirection support, the best (and safest) option is to use a commercial plugin created particularly for redirect reasons.


Although it may be more expensive, the additional features and functionality make it a worthwhile purchase, especially if you manage many websites.


Ultimately, you should select a plugin that provides dependable navigation across multiple platforms and is straightforward to use overall.