Adult learning Trend & Survey Design

Objective: To improve the lifelong learning survey system in terms of sampling unit and questionnaires and design longitudinal and qualitative survey system to evaluate adults’ learning outcomes. Also, to provide a clear classification system for surveys on the status of department/majors of universities.

Journal Articles

Jeong, S. J. (FA), Choi, S. J. (2018). An Analytic Review of Research Trends in Lifelong Learning Cities: Using studies published in Korea between 2003 and 2017. Journal of Agricultural Education and Human Resource Development, 50(2), 73–104.

As the government launched the Lifelong Learning Initiative in 2001, many studies were conducted on the promotion system, programs, and effectiveness of lifelong learning cities. The purpose of this study is to examine the trends of domestic journals on lifelong learning cities which were conducted from 2003 to 2017. Using the database of RISS and KISS, a total of 105 articles were reviewed in terms of publication year, research topics and research methods. The research was carried with the analysis framework composed of research characteristics, research contents and methods. The results of this study are as follows: First, among three periods (2003-2007, 2008-2012, 2013-2017) based on the implementation period of the Basic Plan for Lifelong Education Promotion, the second term of 2008-2012 showed the largest number of studies. Second, when it comes to research topics, most of the studies were related to institution, policies, the systematic section of the learning cities with the keywords of system, rules, policies, evaluations, etc,. Followed by studies related to community learning community-based programs, conceptual and theoretical foundations. Third, in terms of research method, the most frequently studied were used by literature research, followed by ase studies, research studies, and ethnography studies. Based on the above analysis results, conclusions and suggestions were presented.


Project 1: A Basic Study on the Longitudinal Survey Design for Lifelong Learning in Gyeonggi Province, Sponsor: Gyeonggi-do Provincial Institute for Lifelong Learning, June 2019 – August 2019

The purpose of this project is to reorganize the survey system for lifelong learning participation in Gyeonggi-do.

1. Two improvements (proposals) have been drawn for the units of investigation and analysis as follows: First, derive survey and analysis units into 8 living zones. Based on the 2016 Happy Living Area Survey, the government aimed to adjust the tolerance criteria for sample error based on opinions on appropriateness of 12 living areas, considering expert opinions, population numbers by city and county, geographical history, and regional policies. Second, derive survey and analysis units into 5 regions. The area is based on the local happy living area, local labor market area, and employment center jurisdiction, which has the advantage of being unified with other institutions' classification units. However, the area of the regional unit may be too large, causing problems with local characteristics.

2. Regarding the appropriateness of the happiness index questions, the employment was reorganized into a performance area of lifelong learning while maintaining the number of questions and setting the direction to diversify the presentation of lifelong learning results.

3. Two improvements (plan) have been drawn in relation to the subject of the agency's fact-finding survey as follows: First, the method of investigation is to maintain the method of investigation, but to investigate other major statutory institutions. At this time, major other legal institutions were based on the degree of cooperation with local governments and the number of programs operated, including community centers and public libraries. Additionally, welfare centers, women's halls, etc. may be considered together. Second, it is a way to investigate the entire institution, but to develop a self-investigation system so that the institution directly enters the information. The method can easily search for registered institutions and programs at the learner level, and from the institution's point of view, it has the advantage of promoting the institution.

4. Two improvements have been drawn in relation to qualitative survey design. First, investigate a small number of people by diversifying the survey targets by reflecting policy concerns by cycle. This has the advantage of securing various subjects of investigation to derive implications for the policies required by them, but sufficient budget must be secured to investigate various subjects. Second, select specific targets for each cycle, but consider the diversity of other demographic backgrounds. By comprehensively investigating the diversity of residence, gender, age, etc., abundant results may be obtained in identifying the status and performance of lifelong learning of the relevant survey target. However, the results that can be presented based on one subject of investigation are somewhat limited compared to proposal 1.

Project 2: A Study on the Improvement of Lifelong Learning Survey System in Gyeonggi Province, Sponsor: Gyeonggi-do Provincial Institute for Lifelong Learning, June 2018 – November 2018

The purpose of this project is to design a long-term study on lifelong educational achievements in Gyeonggi-province.

1. The performance of lifelong education of Gyeonggi-do residents needs to be analyzed in a multi-dimensional manner, focusing on the object of change (individual and social), and the directness of performance, and long-term research needs to be conducted to identify changes in Gyeonggi-do residents through lifelong education. In this study, the achievements of lifelong education in Gyeonggi-do are categorized as positive learning attitudes, positive lifestyles, competency development, health promotion, promotion of human relations, job and economic activities, fostering a sense of citizenship, lifelong learning, and culture.

2. The end-of-life education survey in Gyeonggi-do is meaningful in that it has established a feasible sampling scenario by securing connectivity with the survey on participation in lifelong education in Gyeonggi-do.

3. Plan for operation of the long-term survey, including the method of maintaining panels, shall be presented so that the achievements of lifelong education of Gyeonggi-do residents can be studied in a long-term manner. The survey cycle is set to 2 years and the maintenance period to 10 years, considering the budget and purpose of the long-term research survey. To maintain the panel, mobile and other surveys are conducted twice a year, and incentives are presented such as sending lifelong education policies and information materials, sending audit cards, and providing summary reports are provided.

4. Develop efficient survey questions reflecting the purpose of the end-to-end survey, laying the foundation for pilot testing and actual survey performance.

5. Establish a foundation for in-depth analysis of the achievements of lifelong education in Gyeonggi Province by presenting a qualitative panel construction plan along with quantitative panel research. Qualitative panel targets were presented by classifying them into lifelong educational achievements by generation, achievements by program, and lifelong educational achievements of social consideration. The question consists of questions about processes and stages of change that cannot be identified in the quantitative panel, and is developed to analyze changes and motivations, positive or negative experiences, changes in experience, and contextual situations affecting lifelong education.

Project 3: A Study on the Establishment of Standards for Classification of Convergence Department, Sponsor: Korean Council for University Education (KCUE), August 2018 – December 2018

Project 4: A Study on the Linkage between the Standard Classification System of Educational Organization and the Classification System of Related Institutions, Sponsor: Korean Council for University Education (KCUE), August 2016 – December 2016