Comparison between LQR and DQN for Cartpole

The Project objective is to apply the topic of the Advanced Control System I (MEN573) course and study Reinforcement Learning.

This project is implemented based on what was learned in the course MEN573 Advanced Control System I. (Course Grade: A+) / This Project is implemented in the UNIST Robotics and Mobility Lab.

The Basic Concept of LQR Controller (State Feedback Controller)

The method of design LQR Controller

The parameter of LQR Controller

First, I implemented the LQR Controller for Cartpole using python.

The system output without controller

The system output with LQR Controller

The Basic Concept of DQN

Parameter of DQN

Second, I implemented the DQN for Cartpole using python.

The reward according to the episode

The system output after learning

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