Creating Autonomous Car

The Project objective is to understand ROS, Control, Localization for the Autonomous Car.

This project is implemented in the course MEN491 Creating Autonomous Car. (Course Grade: A0)

First, we implemented the reactive method to control the autonomous car. At this time, we used the wall following method.

  • The wall following method is controlling the car to keep the distance from the wall using ROS which can subscribe to the LiDAR data and publish the steering angle to move the autonomous car.

Second, we implemented the gap following method.

  • The gap following method is controlling the car to move toward the point which is most far among the largest gap using ROS.


Kyeong dong Hall in UNIST Bldg.201 to test the real autonomous car

Third, we implemented the pure pursuit control using the optimal path in the gym simulation environment.

  • The Pure Pursuit Control is the path tracking algorithm to choose the target point in look-ahead distance.

Fourth, we performed the controlling autonomous car in the real environment.

  • We performed the controlling in Kyeong dong Hall in UNIST Bldg. 201.

If you want to get some code to pure pursuit control in gym simulation, then you can get it in my GitHub URL.

(The GitHub code requires the ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic)

GitHub URL:


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