Action Plan

What is this project? 

The final project for Social Justice is to do an action project that connects to one of the themes we have started to explore in this course. It is a product of each student’s creative thought and your desire to make social change within the immediate or broader community.  It provides you with an opportunity to take on a leadership role and to demonstrate a wide variety of skills including conceptualization, organization, implementation and presentation. This is the biggest assignment of the course and is comprised of several integrated activities that extend over the duration of the course.  Upon completion, it also acts as a replacement for a final exam.  

 For this project you will need to brainstorm, plan, do, report on, and reflect on the action project you choose to undertake. You are encouraged to collaborate with other people on a collective group action if you choose to, but you must complete your planning, brainstorming, and reflection sheets individually. 

 Part of the project will be for you to lead a class discussion/ lesson (including a possible debate), report out on and go over your reflections from your action in a presentation to the rest of the class.  Be sure to choose an action that you feel comfortable talking about and sharing with the group.

Here's a list with links to some previous projects:

Assessment and Components:

 The project will have the following components (you will be assessed on all of them):


Final class presentations will take place the final week of classes.

Students must complete their action project before and be prepared to present the first day. 


Component summaries

9. Presentation – (  /60 ) PRESENTATIONS:  

Drawing on info from research, this class presentation will share important information and profile action opportunities. Students will also engage classmates by creating a basic question sheet related to their topic. As part of your presentation you may choose to lead a discussion, activity or debate related to the topic.

  You will need to do the following (and create a PowerPoint /Prezi)

10. Report Out / Reflection Sheet (   /17 ) DUE: includes reflecting on what went well, what could have been improved, how you worked with challenges, what you would have done different, what type of oppression or privilege your project addressed, and your key learnings from the project


Action project suggestions, supports and resources:


You can choose to pursue whatever action project you think would be best for you as long as it connects back to the course content, however, it is strongly recommended that you consult with Mr. Carrara in the brainstorming and planning process to make sure it will work well for both you and the course.


Some of the content that we have started to explore in SJ12 include:

1.      Your own story, values, identity, and relationship to power, privilege, and oppression in the world

2.      Social justice frameworks

3.      Colonialism, imperialism and reconciliation in Canada and the world

4.      Feminism and gender equity

5.      Racism, racial privilege and anti-racism

6.      Gender identity, sexual orientation and LGBTQ+ rights

7.      Class, capitalism, and consumption 

8.      Environmental justice

Whatever action project you pursue, it should be SMART

 Consider our discussions on Allyship.  What can you do to:

Learn - Interrupt Oppression - Advocate - Volunteer - Raise Financial Support - Protest - Take Political Action

Possible action projects could include: (Please see above for examples from last year)


Possible resources or premade projects that you can pursue or use as inspiration:


Assignment Timeline

Over the next four weeks you will have plenty of time during class to work on your action projects, interspersed with skill and capacity building sessions designed to expand and improve on your abilities to be advocates, organizers and activists.  In order for this project to succeed you will need to stay on top of tasks, delegate appropriately and make effective use of class time.  This will likely also require meeting with your group and implementing elements of your action plan outside of class time. 


Key Dates:

 Brainstorming Sheet

Weekly / Ongoing - Journal / Blog of Progress

_______ Action Planning Sheet 

Ongoing – Webpage updates

     ****Action implementation****

_________- Research / Inquiry presentation

 ________Final Presentations 

________Report Out / Reflection 


*note that these are final deadlines for each element.  Integrating certain elements at earlier times may be more beneficial / practical to the project.