

Seishinryu Aikido & Body Harmony dates & times

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Things we do...

Sensu (Fan) at Heavers Castle

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Tanbo (baton) at Ashburton Park

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Usually performed at various displays


Judo - The Gentle Way 


"Finger Pressure" for health & wellbeing


The art of drawing the sword

 Although we follow a very traditional form we also encourage members to train in other related arts to enhance their understanding of martial spirit. No one art is perfect and each has a unique skill set and together they offer the best effective resolution in dealing with compromised situations. Using Aikido as the basis makes its easier to hone and promote the spiritual aspects. Through an open and receptive mind, and committed dedication, we explore the boundaries of our limitations.

Past events

Addiscomne Carnival 

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Croydon Car Show

Seishinryu did a two all day display 

24 Hour Budo Marathon

Multi-martial arts marathon to raise funds for  Romanian Orphans 

Aikido session at SPG

A regular visitor was Tomio Otani Sensei...RIP

 Over the years Seishinryu has been invited to participate in many seminars, displays, and fund-raising events. We even did many local school fetes and community events. Not only did we do Aikido but also Iaido, Kendo, Jujitsu, and classical weapons such as the Jo, Tanbo, Bokken, and even the innocuous Sensu (silk fan). Displays were often done with full costume and traditional etiquette, creating an even more dramatic effect.