Confronting verbal aggression

A huge part of your Job will be dealing with verbally aggressive citizens who wish to confront the Mayor with unsavoury remarks.

If met with such actions, you should follow these procedures:

Stand between the Mayor and the individual:

Creating a physical barrier between you and the Mayor will serve as deterrence for any escalation of force.

Identify yourself and inform them of legal repercussions:

Explain to the citizen that you are secret service, and continued aggression will result in detainment by force.

Detain the individual and call for police if aggression continues:

If the suspect refuses to comply with your orders they are in breach of law 6.7, and as an Officer, You have the power to detain someone for this purpose. 

Do not draw a weapon on the individual unless the situation calls for it:

To avoid escalation and aggrivation of the situation, You should only draw your less lethal weapons, such as your Taser or nightstick if they are becoming Physical. Your firearm should only be drawn if they commit an act that is likely to kill or cause serious harm.