Entering the Police station to gear up

Upon joining the SS job, you'll want to head to the police station to retrieve bandages, and maybe switch your service Firearm.

However, the following steps must be done before doing so:

Under no circumstances are you to:

You may not use the Police Station to shelter the Mayor unless it is to stop an active attempt on their life. 

Upon this incident occurring, You may not be in the Police station for more than 10 minutes after the Threat has subsided.

The following areas are considered off-limits for the Mayor, and their Secret Service team:

This may be disregarded if accompanied by a Supervisor Ranked Sergeant + Or other understandable circumstances.

Interferrence in any sort of Investigation, Arrest or the Duties of Police Personnel in any way, shape or form is a crime. You may find yourself with an Infraction on your Police Record for doing so.