
This list can be overwhelming! Once you find one or two you like, use them for awhile before exploring more.



Routines are a type of task/problem. What makes them routine is that they have a similar structure across all problems, and are usually intended to be done over a shorter period of time.

  • Which One Doesn't Belong (Mary Bourassa)

  • Open Middle (Robert Kaplinsky)
    Open middle means that there are multiple ways to approach and ultimately solve each problem

  • Number Talk Images (Pierre Tranchemontagne)

  • Fraction Talks (Nat Banting)

  • Same or Different? (Brian Bushart)

  • Splat! (Steve Wyborney)
    Various levels of figuring out how many counters are underneath a splat

  • Visual Patterns (Fawn Nguyen)

  • Menu Math (Nat Banting)
    Using as few mathematical objects (number, expression, shape, etc), satisfy a list of constraints/conditions.

  • Estimation180 (Andrew Stadel)
    An estimation challenge for each day!

  • Esti-Mysteries (Steve Wyborney)
    Each image invites students to wonder what number is represented by the image. A gradual set of clues narrows it down to the number.

  • Estimation Clipboard (Steve Wyborney)
    The Estimation Clipboard is a set of 40 lessons that each include 4 highly similar images. Each image provides an invitation to estimate.

  • Would You Rather math (John Stevens)
    Choose a path and justify

  • Slow Reveal Graphs (Jenna Laib)
    Gradually reveal information on a graph, prompting for noticing and wondering throughout

  • Turner's Graph of the Week (Kelly Turner)
    Tons of graphs from media with a general set of question prompts

  • Graphing Stories (Dan Meyer and BuzzMath)
    Sketch graphs to match contextual scenarios shown by video

  • SolveMe Puzzles
    Equation mobiles, Who Am I?, and Mystery Grid

  • Inquiry Maths
    Students explore mathematical statements (prompts)

Online programs

Please be cautious if you set up an online classroom to preserve students' identity (eg. don't use real names or other information)

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