Numeracy Support for Continuity of Learning


We have put this website together as a way to support teachers in their work to provide for continuity of learning mathematics from home.

As teachers begin to make virtual connections with their students, we know that they will also be working on ways to support learning. We recognize that everyone is learning new skills and new ways of engaging our learners. It is important to us to communicate that the Numeracy Team (Marc Garneau, Chris Hunter, Jess Kyle) is here to support this process. Hopefully this website will provide some guidance. Additionally you can reach us individually by email, and we are happy to answer questions about resources, planning or any other areas where teachers require Numeracy support.

These are challenging times where not only teachers, but students and their families, are uncertain about what the future holds. We encourage you to go slowly and to offer activities that promote connections both to each other and to numeracy. We are all in this together and we are working to get information and resources to teachers and to parents that will keep students connected to their Math learning, while honouring the principles of Social Emotional Learning and the variety of circumstances that all families find themselves in at this time.

You can navigate this site using the tabs at the top of the page.

  • FAQ: an ongoing list of answers to questions that we get asked frequently

  • Menu of Tasks by Grade Band: suggested tasks organized by strand, plus routines

  • Teaching: Ideas on how to share activities with a class, gather responses, and provide feedback.

  • Recommended websites: an organized list of recommended websites to support teachers

This site will be updated regularly.