Instructions for Presenter

Please read the guide below in preparation for the SCOReD 2021 conference.

  1. Please check the program schedule before the day of the conference.

  2. If you cannot attend the session, please inform the Secretariat so we can reschedule your presentation.

      • Please note that accepted papers that are not presented will not be submitted for publication to IEEE Xplore, as per the conference policy.

  3. Please make sure that you have submitted a video recording of your presentation (10 minutes in length) and presentation slides to the organizing committee. These are required as backup, in case of technical issues on the day of the conference.

  4. On the day of the conference, please arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. Please identify yourself to the Session Chair.

      • In case of emergency or technical difficulties, please inform the Session Chair or the organizing committee immediately.

  5. Each presenter has 15 minutes: 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of Q & A.

      • If the presenter has an internet connectivity issue, the Session Chair will play the recorded presentation video sent to the organizing committee prior to the day of the conference.

      • The presenter should be online for the Q & A session. Please switch on your camera during the Q & A session.

      • In case of emergency (internet outage/electricity outage/other unavoidable circumstances), please contact the organizing committee as soon as possible.

  6. We encourage you to stay until the end of the session to capture a virtual group photo. Please switch on your camera for this purpose.

We will be sending the digital certificate via email after the conference.

Please contact the Secretariat at if you have further questions.

You're encouraged to use the background below while attending SCOReD 2021.