Teacher Induction Data

Program Effectiveness:

Many event evaluations include data surrounding positive impact in the classroom and candidate effectiveness.

Program Effectiveness 18-19

  • Mentor Collaboration Day 1
  • Orientation
  • Mentorpalooza
  • Inquiry Day 1
    • Direct candidate feedback to mentor: At the end of each event, candidates are asked to complete a brief survey regarding the support they receive from their mentor as well as their mentor's knowledge of the program. The mentors are separated from the candidates during this time, so that the survey can be completed in anonymity. The candidates are then dismissed from the event. The mentors review the data and its implications to tease out topics for mentor support, information for future mentor training and any needed "just in time" support. This is a way that we can give more specific feedback to mentors in a small group setting.
  • Advisory Council PowerPoint: Data discussion on Inquiry Day 1 feedback to mentors. In pairs, Advisory Council members reviewed direct feedback from candidates to mentors. After time to review, the group came back together to have a full group discussion on trends. Leads were advised to take findings back to their district level meetings to support mentors in their areas of need and inform district leadership as necessary.
  • Inquiry Day 2
  • Mentor Collaboration Day 2 (coming spring)
  • Finale (coming spring)
  • Read (coming summer)
  • Candidate End of the Year Survey (coming summer)
  • Mentor End of the Year Survey (coming summer)

Program Effectiveness 17-18

  • Mentor Collaboration Day 1
  • Orientation
  • Mentorpalooza
  • Inquiry Day 1
  • Advisory Council Minutes: Data discussion on Mentor Collaboration Day 1, Orientation, Mentorpalooza and Inquiry Day 1
  • Inquiry Day 2
  • Mentor Collaboration Day 2
  • Finale: Candidate End of the Year Survey and Mentor End of the Year Survey
    • Advisory Council Analysis :
        • Program response:
          • Variety of technology including attention to special education needs: Continue offering K.E.Y. (optional) professional development which includes technology sessions. Share professional development opportunities offered by SCOE's Education Technology Center (ETC) which includes topics such as SEIS training, Google, etc. Continue to encourage candidates to incorporate a variety of technology platforms into their Competence and Growth Evidence (CGE)
          • Reword question 5 on the Mentor Effectiveness survey: will be edited for spring 2019.
          • Differentiating training for mentors: The program now pairs new and veteran mentors at mentor trainings. Design components of mentor trainings to allow for mentors' varying needs, abilities, interests and mentoring contexts to be met.
          • Review InductionSupport.com resources: Collaborate with support staff quarterly to ensure most up to date materials are available.
  • Read (see Evaluation Rubric Data below)
  • 16-17 Archived Data

Candidate Competence:

Candidate Competence 18-19

  • Across the CSTP (self-assessment) - retained by candidates
  • Evaluation Rubric Data (coming summer)

Candidate Competence 17-18

  • Across the CSTP (self-assessment) - retained by candidates
  • Evaluation Rubric Data
  • 16-17 Archived Data

Mentor Feedback:

Mentor Feedback 18-19

  • Candidate Evaluation of Mentor Effectiveness (Inquiry Day 1 & 2 - coming winter)
  • Candidate Evaluation of Mentor Effectiveness (End of Year - coming spring)

Mentor Feedback 17-18

  • Candidate Evaluation of Mentor Effectiveness (Inquiry Day 1 & 2)
      • At each Inquiry Day the program staff facilitates an activity during which the mentors and candidates are separated. The candidates have an opportunity during this time to give confidential feedback regarding the effectiveness of their mentor. While this is being facilitated in one room, the mentors are receiving just in time support in a different room from program staff. Once the survey data from the candidates is available, program staff pulls up the real time information to share with the mentors. The mentors work together as a small group to analyze the information, identify areas of growth/strength. The program staff asks them to consider these areas against the mentoring goals they set for themselves at Mentor Collaboration Day 1.
  • Candidate Evaluation of Mentor Effectiveness
      • Advisory Council Analysis :
        • Program response:
          • Variety of technology including attention to special education needs: Continue offering K.E.Y. (optional) professional development which includes technology sessions. Share professional development opportunities offered by SCOE's Education Technology Center (ETC) which includes SEIS training, Google, etc. Continue to encourage candidates to incorporate a variety of technology platforms into their Competence and Growth Evidence (CGE)
          • Reword question 5 on the Mentor Effectiveness survey: will be edited for spring 2019.
          • Differentiating training for mentors: The program now pairs new and veteran mentors at mentor trainings. Design components of mentor trainings to allow for mentors' varying needs, abilities, interests and mentoring contexts to be met.
          • Review InductionSupport.com resources: Collaborate with support staff quarterly to ensure most up to date materials are available.