SCIA 2023 Submissions

Call for papers

22nd Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA) invites submissions presenting original work in (but not limited to) the following topics (alphabetical order):

Accepted submissions will be included in the SCIA 2023 conference proceedings, published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS). SCIA 2023 belongs to a long standing series of conferences, organised by the Scandinavian pattern recognition societies, every two years. 

Important dates

SCIA has two-stage submission and authors may submit in either round.

First round paper submission deadline: August 11 2022

First round author notifications: October 10 2022

Second round paper submission deadline: December 9 2022  December 22 2022 (extended)

Second round author notification: February 3 2023 February 10 2023 (extended)  List of accepted paper ids

Camera-ready: February 24 2023 (requires registration of at least one author)

Tutorials: April 18 2023

Main conference: April 19 - 21 2023

Submitting a paper 

SCIA 2023 accepts long and short papers (the only difference is the length). The maximum allowed length is 9 and 14 pages for short and long papers, respectively. The articles should be in single-column format (ECCV/BMVC style). In both cases, additional pages for the cited references are allowed. Authors may also submit an optional supplementary material. The submission is anonymous. Authors should not include their names or affiliations to the paper.

The papers are submitted via Microsoft CMT system:  

The submissions must be prepared according to guidelines and technical instructions provided by Springer: (includes Latex and Word templates). Submissions should be PDF files.

The submitted papers cannot be published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Preprints, such as arXiv, are allowed.