

SCIA proceedings is published as a part of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). The SCIA LNCS series is available at

The conference participants have access to the SCIA 2023 proceedings (two volumes) through

For more information about the proceedings, contact the program committee members.


Timo Aila (NVIDIA)

Timo Aila works as a senior distinguished research scientist at NVIDIA. He has a PhD in computer graphics from Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. He has worked extensively in real-time graphics, offline rendering (movies such as Avatar, Tintin, Hobbit), and was a technical lead of NVIDIA’s RTX ray tracing hardware architecture. His current research focuses on neural networks and machine learning, and particularly on generative models (StyleGAN-family) with the long-term goal of creating new powerful tools for content creation in games and movies.

Martin Danelljan (ETHZ)

Martin is a research group leader at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He received his  Ph.D. degree from Linköping University, Sweden in 2018, and his thesis “Visual Tracking” was awarded the biennial Best Nordic Thesis Prize, in the previous SCIA.

Martin's main research interests are 3D visualization, temporal perception, deep probabilistic models, and generative methods. His research includes applications to video tracking and segmentation, dense correspondence estimation, super-resolution, and much more.

Ondrej Dusek (Charles University)

 Ondřej is an Assistant Professor at Charles University in Prague, focusing on natural language generation and human-computer dialogue. His recent research focuses on end-to-end neural language generation architectures, mostly applied to the data-to-text and dialogue response generation tasks. He is specifically interested in semantic accuracy and semantic grounding for language generation, as well as ways of evaluating generation accuracy. After obtaining his PhD in Prague, he spent 2 years as a postdoc at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh in 2016-2018, where he also co-advised the Heriot-Watt University team in the Amazon Alexa Prize chatbot competition. He is currently the PI of an ERC Starting Grant titled Next-Generation Natural Language Generation, which aims to constrain neural models and combine them with explicit semantic representations in order to produce fluent, accurate and explainable NLG systems.


NVIDIA GPU-CUDA-Python Programming

NVIDIA GPU experts provide hands-on full-day tutorial about GPU (multi-GPU) and CUDA programming in Python. After this tutorial you will know all you must know about speeding up your methods with the full power of mid- and high-end GPUs.


All oral talks are 12 minutes + 3 minutes Q&A. Check-in and test your presentation during the break before your session.

See image below or download PDF.

Best paper awards

The following three papers received the best paper awards and Huawei product gifts: