Daily Gratitude

There is a lot of negativity and fear right now in our homes and society, one simple way to take action against this is to practice gratitude. Gratitude is simply taking the time to think of the positive things in your life, essentially "recognizing the good." Gratitude not only has short term benefits of happiness, but with continued practice long term practice increases self-esteem, increases productivity, has health benefits, and improves decision making skills.

Practicing can be incredibly simple to start, such as taking a few moments to identify people, activities, or things you are grateful for. I will be posting a daily gratitude prompt, so check back daily! Sharing with your family members and children what you are grateful for, and letting others share helps create an important emotional connection that is needed right now. Build sharing your gratitude into your daily routine, continued practice is key!

I would love to hear what students/parents/families are grateful for! Please feel free to email me your responses to the daily prompt-maybe students can draw something to show me how they are grateful!

Daily Prompt

What are 5 personality traits that you like about yourself?

Past Prompts

What is something good you saw/heard about in your community lately?

What is something you did for someone else today? If nothing yet, what can you do in the remainder of the day?

What is something you made/created that you are proud of?

List 3 things that always put a smile on your face.

What is something different about your family that you appreciate?

What is a book that inspired you?

Who is someone you have been grateful for during this time at home? Why?

Describe who or what makes you feel safe where you are.

Think of a time when you were really brave. What do you most appreciate about that experience?

What is something that cheers you up on a rough day?

What about your friends are you most grateful for?

What is something that made you laugh really hard recently? Who were you with?

What is something about/in nature that you are grateful for?

What is a small win that you accomplished in the past 24 hours?

What is a mistake you are grateful you made, because you learned from it?

What habit (or habits) are you grateful for keeping up with?

How did the weather bring you joy today?

What was a recent surprise that made you happy?

What is something you love about where you live?

What is something a friend or family member did today that made you grateful for them?

Open a phone or photo album and find a photo that you like. Why are you grateful for this photo? Who/what are you grateful for in the photo?

What is your favorite part of your daily routine and why?

What is a song that makes you feel good?

What is something that made you smile today?

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude

  1. Gratitude opens the door to more and deeper relationships

  2. Grateful people sleep better

  3. Gratitude improves psychological health, including making people happier

  4. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression

  5. Gratitude improves self-esteem

  6. Gratitude increases mental resiliency

  7. Gratitude reduces impatience and improve decision-making

  8. Gratitude has shown physical health benefits including lower blood pressure.