Why is enough and quality sleep important for teens?

Career Interest Inventory

Start exploring different careers-take a short quiz that will help you narrow your career interests

The 6 Habits of Highly Organized People

How does being organized make you more successful in everyday life? How can you become and stay organized?

Student Mental Health Minutes

Do you have a fixed or growth mindset?

How to Stay Organized During Distance Learning

Procrastinating usually feels better in the moment, but planning and being organized helps decrease stress overall. Handing in school assignments before the last minute can lead to more free time to do what you want, and keep mom and dad from bugging you about school! Check out this video that gives great tips and ideas on how to stay organized during distance learning.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you think you are organized? Why or why not?

  • What is one thing you could do today to be more organized?

  • How is being organized for distance learning different than being organized in school?

In this video teens talk about

how being mindful helps them.

Mindfulness for Teens

Anxious? Stress? Mindfulness is an excellent way to slow down, and bring your focus to the present moment rather than the past or future.

Being mindful takes practice, and is not always easy. There are many videos and audios guides online that you can listen to, but first try some of these simple exercises to start becoming mindful and present.