Mining Incedent

Whilst Ian was roaming around the web looking for Scaysbrook info, he found this little item on John Scaysbrook. The John in question appears to be John (George) born Todenham 1869, son of Charles Todenham 1845., who moved to Leicestershire.

The web site is dedicated to coal mining, and has `a lot of info relating to the people who lived and worked in oraround the profesion.


Pre-1850 there was no systematic recording of mining deaths. The records are very diffuse and the names in the files have been trawled up by the Coal mining resources centre researches over about 10 years. The quality of the information is lacking in some fields and is mainly from lists of victims from mining disasters. There could be details of disaster on the ‘List of the Disasters' on their site Coal Mining History Resource Centre.


Source, the lists of deaths in the Mines Inspectors Reports. and some from the Coal mining resources centre research.‘, , , ‘ indicates fields for which there is no information. The names were recorded officially from 1850-1914 and this is now complete and over 90,000 entries - a staggering number.

POST 1914

Sources - the Coal mining resources centre and Inspectors The Register of Accidents. This material is transcribed from hand written documents and any inaccuracies arethe Coal mining resources centre arising from difficulties in reading the original.

John Scaysbrook

05/02/1913, 42, Labourer, Whitwick quarry , Whitwick Granite Co Ltd, , Leicester, The deceased's duty was to lower empty wagons from the dead-end to the various hoppers at the crushing-mill. The gradient varied from 1 in 37 to 1 in 67. A wagon full of granite chips had been shunted along with some empties. All wagons were supposed to be separately braked when standing. Deceased was lowering an empty from the front of the full wagon of chips. He used the brake for about 20 yards, then went behind with the intention, it is presumed, of giving a push, when the wagon bumped into the two standing under the hopper. The full wagon, which was left imperfectly braked, followed silently after, and deceased's chest was crushed between the hooks of the two drawbars. The brake of the full wagon was afterwards found down but not pinned.

The Coal mining resources centre would appreciate any voluntary donations. Sterling cheque only or notes or bills (cash) in envelope with a letter are fine to Ian Winstanley 83 Greenfields Crescent, Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wigan, Lancashire, England WN4 8QY