SR Advocacy Groups

Savannah River Advocacy Groups

  • 660 Coalition - Purpose: to provide a clear understanding of the economic, social, and environmental importance of Lake Hartwell
  • Aiken County Watershed Alliance - Advocacy group. Focus: to ensure that local streams remain ecologically healthy through proactive watershed planning.
  • American Rivers - A nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of North America's rivers.
  • American Whitewater - Advocate for the preservation and protection of whitewater rivers in the US.
  • Broad River Watershed Association - A non-profit regional land-trust dedicated to the protection and management of the Broad River and its watershed.
  • Broadway Lake POA - Property owners association.
  • Chattooga Conservancy - Promotes watershed conservation.
  • Friends of the Savannah River Basin - a fact-based organization advocating a lake system supporting the entire river basin, that is proactively managed with water quality/supply, recreation, wildlife and flood control its primary purposes.
  • Friends of Lake Keowee Society (FOLKS) - Established to bring attention to the importance of Lake Keowee and its watershed to the economic and recreational well-being of upstate SC.
  • The Georgia Water Council The Water Council is a coordinating committee created by the Gerogia Comprehensive Statewide Water Management Planning Act.
  • Lake Hartwell Association - Exists to protect the quality and quantity of water resources at Lake Hartwell and its watershed.
  • Lake Secession POA - Property owners association.
  • The Nature Conservancy - A conservation organization that works around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.
  • Savannah Riverkeeper - Advocate for water quality.
  • Little River Blueway Is a non-profit organization that promotes the benefits of the outdoor recreation & conservation within this uniquely preserved section of the Sumter National Forest and waterways.
  • Rural Resource Coalition - The Rural Resource Coalition SC (RRCSC) is an alliance of affordable housing, agriculture, community development, conservation, forestry, heirs' property and tourism leaders. The group works on behalf of all of South Carolina's residents to strengthen the state's rural communities and optimize stewardship of natural resources.
  • Savannah Lakes POA - Propery Owners Association for a 4,000 acre community that provides outdoor living at Lake Thurmond, a 70,000 acre lake in the Savannah Basin.
  • Save Our Lakes Now - Advocacy organization for Lake Thurmond, Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell, and the Savannah River Basin.
  • SC Coastal Conservation League - Mission: to protect the natural environment of the South Carolina coastal plain and to enhance the quality of our life of our communities by working with individuals, businesses, and government to ensure balanced solutions.
  • Southern Environmental Law Center - Nonprofit advocacy organization that protects the environmental quality and outstanding natural resources of AL, GA, NC, SC, TN, and VA.
  • Upstate Forever - Promoting sensible growth and protecting special places in the Upstate region of South Carolina.
  • Water Matters South Carolina - Water Matters is an effort to protect the integrity of South Carolina waterways and raise the profile of water issues across SC by increasing communication and coordination among water focused interests and groups.