Lab Members

Current Lab Members

Principal Investigator

JD Sauer PhD (email)

 BS, Biology- Cornell University 2002

PhD, Microbiology and Immunology (Dr. Michele Swanson) - University of Michigan 2006

ACS Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular and Cell Biology (Dr. Daniel Portnoy) - University of California, Berkeley 2011

Postdoctoral Fellows -  Come Join Us!

Graduate Students

Kim Gutierrez (email)

Microbiology Doctoral Training Program (MDTP)

BS, Biology - UW Platteville, 2018

Project: Listeria monocytogenes is a food borne pathogen that has evolved to survive and replicate inside the host cytosol. The lab has shown that certain genes are required for cytosolic survival via a forward genetic screen. However, the genetic screen is not able to assess essential genes. Essential genes cannot be recovered under the conditions the genetic screen is performed in . My project aims to use CRISPRi to study these essential genes that are necessary for the bacteria to survive in the cytosol.  Our use of CRISPRi in L. monocytogenes will allow us to identify and further study the essential genes needed to survive and replicate in the cytosol.

Simone Shen (email) - co-mentor Dr. Anna Huttenlocher

Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (MCP)

BS, Biochemistry - UW Madison, 2019

Project: One of my projects in the lab is to develop a novel model system using zebrafish larvae as a genetic screening tool for Listeria monocytogenes. Using this zebrafish infection model combined with bacterial genetics and cutting-edge DNA sequencing technology, I aim to identify genes that L. monocytogenes requires to cause disease. Identification of these genes is critical to identifying novel targets for the development of new antibiotics. My other research project focuses on the complex networks involved in wound healing in the context of bacterial infection. Specifically, I am studying how different inflammatory responses stimulated by L. monocytogenes affect tissue regeneration in zebrafish.  

Matt Freeman (email)

Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)/Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)

BS, Biochemistry - University of  Minnesota, 2018


Research Specialist/Lab Manager

Kijeong Lee (email

BS, Microbiology- University of Wisconsin - Madison 2022


Delanie Arend (email

BS, Zoology/Animal Biology - University of Wisconsin - Madison 2023


Postbaccalaureate Students

Grace Semaan  (email)

PREP Research Scholar


Undergraduate Students

Noah Eral  (email)


Lab Alumni

Postdoctoral Fellows

CY Kao PhD - 2017-2019 Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology Fellow

Projects: role of DHNA in L. monocytogenes pathogenesis and function of Stk1 in S. aureus beta-lactam resistance

Currently: Associate Professor at National Yang-Ming University

Kao Lab Website

Caroline Grunenwald PhD - 2020-2022 American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellow

Projects: Role of Stk1 in cell wall stress, redox stress and nutritional stress in S. aureus

Currently: Assistant Professor at University of Missouri 

Grunenwald Lab Website

Jessica Kelliher PhD - 2020-2022 NIH NRSA F32 Postdoctoral Fellow, Leading Edge Fellow

Projects: Role of PrkA in cell wall stress responses, cytosolic survival and virulence in L. monocytogenes

Currently: Assistant Professor at Medical College of Wisconsin

Kelliher Lab Website

Graduate Students

Zach Morrow PhD - 2017-2023 Cell and Molecular Biology Program

Thesis Title: Understanding innate immune signaling during Listeria monocytogenes vaccination and its implications for cancer immunotherapy

Currently: Scientist at Fuji Cellular Dynamics Inc, Madison WI

Hans Smith PhD - 2017-2022 Cell and Molecular Biology Program

Thesis Title: Role of DHNA  and NAD+/NADH redox balance in L. monocytogenes pathogenesis

Currently: Scientist I at MilliporeSigma, Rockville MD 

Courtney McDougal PhD - 2015-2021 Microbiology Doctoral Training Program

Thesis Title: Role of eicosaniods on cell-mediated immunity to Listeria monocytogenes and its implications on cancer therapy 

Currently: Postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Marion Pepper, University of Washington 

Dan Pensinger PhD - 2014-2019 Microbiology Doctoral Training Program

Thesis Title: Maintenance of cell wall integrity in the cytosol of host cells is essential for virulence of Listeria monocytogenes 

Currently: Researcher, Hryckowian Lab, Madison, WI 

Adam Schaenzer PhD - 2013-2018  Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology 

Thesis Title: Characterization of the PASTA kinases as antibiotic targets in S. aureus and L. monocytogenes

Currently: Postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Gerry Wright at McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, CA

Grischa Chen PhD - 2012-2017  Microbiology Doctoral Training Program 

Thesis Title: Uncovering the genetic determinants of Listeria monocytogenes survival in the host cytosol

Currently: Scientific Lab Manager at the Carnegie Institute for Science, Pasadena CA

Will Vincent PhD - 2012-2017  Microbiology Doctoral Training Program (co-mentor: Anna Huttenlocher)

Thesis Title: Innate immune cell recruitment and host defense in response to intracellular bacterial infection

Currently: Microscopy Sales Representative at Olympus Corporation of the Americas

Erin Theisen MD, PhD - 2013-2017  Cellular and Molecular Pathology 

Thesis Title: Inflammasome activation impairs cell-mediated immunity to Listeria monocytogenes

Currently:  Instructor in Dermatology Harvard Medical School

Researcher Specialists

John Thorstenson

BS, Biochemistry - University of Wisconsin - Madison 2021

Currently: PhD student in the Horswill Lab, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus

Tighe Christopher

BS, Biochemistry and Microbiology - University of Wisconsin - Madison 2019

Currently: PhD student in the Tait Wojno Lab,  University of Washington

Zach Powers 

BS, Microbiology - University of Wisconsin - Madison 2019

Currently: PhD student in the O'Riordan Lab, University of Michigan Medical School

Drew Rust 

BS, Biochemistry- University of Wisconsin-Madison 2019

Currently: Medical student at Western Michigan University School of Medicine

Undergraduate Students

Danny Hill - 2020-2023 (Sophomore Research Fellowship, POSSE Scholar)

      Currently: TS/MS Scientist at Eli Lilly, Indianapolis IN

McKenzie Daanen - 2019-2021 (Hilldale Fellow)

      Currently: PhD student in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program at the University of California San Francisco (rotating)

Zach Powers - 2018-2020 

Currently: PhD student in the Programs in Biomedical Sciences (PIBS) at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (O'Riordan Lab)

Rhiannon Abrahams - 2019 (REU Signals)

Currently: PhD student in the Microbiology Doctoral Training program at University of Wisconsin - Madison (Majumder Lab)

Alex Budke - 2018-2019

Currently: unknown

Matt Becraft - 2016-2018

Currently: Naturalist WisCorps

Drew Rust - 2015-2018 (Hilldale Fellow)

Currently: Medical Student at Western Michigan University School of Medicine

Cadin Truesdale - 2017

Currently: unknown

Kim Gutierrez - Summer 2017 (REU Signals)

Currently: PhD student in the Microbiology Doctoral Training program at University of Wisconsin - Madison (Sauer Lab)

Emily Forster PhD- 2015-2017 (Hilldale Fellow)

Previously: Tufts University PhD Molecular Microbiology (2022)

Currently: Technology Specialist, Lando & Anastasi, LLP Intellectual Property Law Firm

Jon Kaletka PhD- 2015-2017 

Previously: Michigan State University PhD in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (2022)

Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan (O'Riordan Lab)

Melissa Arroyo - 2015

Currently: unknown

Marc D'Antonio - 2013-2016 (Hilldale Fellow)

Currently: PhD Student in Immunology CU Denver Anschutz Graduate School (Torres Lab)

Meng Xiong - 2013-2015

Currently: PhD student in Epidemiology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (MPH in Global Health and Epidemiology 2018, George Washington University)

Phanary Xiong - 2012-2014

Currently: PharmD Student, UW Madison

Andrea Favero - 2013 (Internship)

Currently: QC analyst at Stratatech Corporation, a Mallinkrodt company

Kyle Sherman - 2012-2013

Currently: unknown

Ben Knight MD- 2012-2013 (Hilldale Fellow)

Previously: Medical College of Wisconsin (2017)

Currently: Orthopedic Surgeon, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee WI

Kevin Hughes PhD- 2012 (Summer REU Student)

Previously: Yale University PhD Biomedical and Biological Sciences (2020)

Currently: Drug Development Training Fellow - Clinical Pharmacology at Genentech