the plastic problem

The topic of polymers and plastics and resulting pollution is enormous. This lesson draws systems boundaries by focusing on student exploration of feedstocks and end-of-life of polymeric materials and products. These stages of plastics production are easily connected to common organic chemistry and biochemistry functional groups and molecular interactions. Additional subtopics to explore are microplastics, green processes for syntheses, or the economics of consumer products designed for circularity or not. The thermodynamics of polymer synthesis and properties are potential topics for physical chemistry and materials curriculum. All these angles of presenting the plastics problem bring into focus the magnitude of the socio-environmental and -economic stress plastics are having on our planet and society and are important for integration into chemistry curriculum.


The topic of "plastics" creates many opportunities for applying systems thinking in chemistry to design more sustainable materials. Most plastics are currently derived from petroleum, making them inexpensive to the consumer and efficient to synthesize from hydrocarbon starting materials. However, fossil fuels are a depleting resource, not evenly distributed around the world thus invoking political ramifications. There are major research efforts in deriving polymeric materials from renewable plant materials with increasing economic viability and end-of-life characteristics, but their high oxygen content can require more processing. Analysis of the molecular structure of monomers used and processes followed in the production of polymers will help students learn important structure-property relationships in chemistry and enable them to understand the current status of the production of plastics and sustainable options.


This infographic summarizes the main systems and components in interaction in the life cycle of petroleum-derived plastics analyzed as part of the lesson:


Central Ideas

Core Practices

Systems Thinking Skills

Socio-Environmental Competencies


The following presentation introduces the topic of plastics as macromolecular chemistry that is pervasive in every aspect of human life. Class discussions about the socio-scientific benefits and environmental problems set the stage for exploring polymeric structures and properties that correlate to functional properties and consumer products. This 3-class-period (50-minute) lesson is designed for a second semester organic chemistry lecture or laboratory course or above where functional group recognition and reactivity is familiar. Adaption to a general chemistry level is possible by using general polymer representations. A fourth-class session is proposed for rotating class poster presentations (small classes) or virtual poster presentations (larger). 

Plastics Problem.pptx

Map Out

During the "map out" phases of a lesson, students are introduced to the socioenvironmental problem under analysis to identify the systems in interaction. This phase should allow them to develop an overall view of the nature and complexity of the problem or phenomenon to be analyzed. As illustrated in this example lesson on plastics, students are asked to recognize the prevalence of plastics in their lives and contemplate both their benefits and harm to humans and the environment. Data is shared to provide context for the magnitude of the plastic’s problem and an introduction to plastics as “novel entities” in the Planetary Boundaries. The concept of polymer design for function only, without regard for unintended consequences on connected systems, provides an introduction to systems thinking.

Zoom In

In the example lesson on plastics, the chemistry of polymers is reviewed with a focus on their large molecular masses, representations, types of structures, and classifications based on thermal stability. These concepts will be used to later connect to recyclability, degradability, or resistance to degradation. Instructors can tailor the depth of discussion according to their class objectives. Student understanding is accessed with a “let’s think” activity that models the final connection activity. 

A second “zoom in” phase involves relating structure to end-of-life degradability considerations for polymers. Simple functional group hydrolysis is used as an example, however the many methods and complexity of polymer degradation, including recycling, are presented as well as distinguishing between biodegradability and compostability.

Zoom Out

Once students have an appreciation for the chemistry and synthesis of polymers, they can  consider the life cycle of a polymer from raw materials to end-of-life. A representative graphic based on petroleum-derived polymers (estimated as the source for 99% of today’s plastics) is used to analyze each step. A focus is then placed on the important consideration of sustainability of feedstocks used for monomers synthesis. A comparison of petroleum-based feedstocks and renewable feedstocks are explored and connections to subsystems considered. 

A second “zoom out” activity considers the broader picture of what defines a “sustainable polymer”  based on every stage from raw material extraction to end-of-life. This includes feedstocks, processing, intended use, and end-of-use fate. Students will quickly recognize the importance of human actions at several of these stages and are asked to consider subsystem interactions. A broader view incorporates the relevance to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the importance of design for circularity.


In the "Connect" phases of the lesson, students engage in activities that allow them to explore the effects of interactions between relevant subsystems, as well as apply their knowledge in making decisions and suggesting individual or collective actions directed at addressing the societal and/or environmental problem under consideration:

Student Group Assignment: Groups of 2-4 students select a single-use plastic product or packaging to explore. The order of selection - product first or plastic type - can be decided by the students. Use of recycle codes 1-7 as well as new materials on the market made from biomass (mycelium, starches, algae etc..) provide ideas for students. Examples are fossil-fuel based plastic water bottle (Recycle code 1) or partially bio-based or fully bio-based bottles, dissolvable packing peanuts, valorized waste products such as whey, or recycled consumer products such as carpet. Ideally, each group explores a different material so that other students see and learn a breadth of polymer and plastics structures through the poster presentations.

Student Group Poster Presentation:  To communicate the results of their investigation, students are asked to design a poster using the template provided to summarize the important aspects of the plastic polymer their group investigated. They are expected to:


The "Let's Apply" activity described above (Connect section) can be use as a summative assessment for the lesson. The different “Let’s Think” activities completed in class are also useful for evaluating student engagement as well as student skill level in understanding polymer structure and applying systems thinking skills. Two sample class engagement activities illustrated below include a) an initial use of the SOCKit tool to identify connected subsystems to renewable feedstocks and b) observing the affect of stereochemistry and packing of polymer chains to the melting temperature of poly(lactic acid) isomers.


The quality and accuracy of the student group’s reports and poster presentations can be used to narrow or expand the description of polymer products and materials useful for student learning and engagement.