Systems ThinkinG
in Chemistry Education

Teaching chemistry concepts and ideas using systems thinkinG

The educational framework described and exemplified in this website is an outcome of the IUPAC Systems Thinking in Chemistry for Sustainability: 2030 and Beyond (STCS 2030+) project which seeks to provide resources and tools on systems thinking and sustainability to the chemistry and chemistry education communities.  Visit the main SasTICE (Sustainability and Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education) website to learn more about this project and access other resources.

Chemical knowledge, reasoning, and practices are critical for addressing many of the global challenges facing modern societies. To equip students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they will need to contribute to these efforts, chemistry educators must take immediate and definitive actions. The systems thinking approach to chemistry education provides a unifying framework for learning and understanding chemistry as more than a static body of knowledge, but rather a dynamic and powerful way of knowing, thinking, and acting to build a safe, healthy, and sustainable world. 

To guide and facilitate the application of a systems thinking lens in the planning, implementation, and assessment of chemistry lessons, we suggest using the educational framework described and exemplified in this site. Use the navigation bar or click on each major component of the framework depicted below (Plan, Implement, Assess) to learn more about it.