Wellness + 


100 Focused Attention Practices (DeSautels, 2020)

100 Focused Attention Practices (Desautels, 2020).docx

Brain Aligned Strategies (Revelations in Education, 2020)

Brain Aligned Strategies (DeSautels).pdf

Breathing Prompts (Author Unknown)

Prompts for Breathing.pdf

Building Staff Co-Regulation to Support Healthy Relationships in Youth (SARHM, n.d.)

Building Staff Co-Regulation to Support Healthy Relationships In Youth.pdf

Everyday Optimism Worksheets (Positively Present)

Everyday Optimism Worksheets.pdf

Evidence Based Self-Care Practices to Promote Wellness and Combat Stress and Burnout (NASP, 2021)

Evidence Based Self-Care Practices to Promote Wellness and Combat Stress and Burnout (NASP, 2021).pdf

Find Your Marigold (Gonzalez, Cult of Pedagogy)


Gratitude Toolkit (Kaiser Permanente + Alliance for Healther Generation, no date)

Gratitude Toolkit.pdf

Introduction to Self-Efficacy (Transforming Education, 2017)

Introduction to Self-Efficacy.pdf

Me Moments: Integrating Self-Regulation Strategies for Students In Your Learning Environments (Alliance for a Healthier Generation + Kaiser Permanente, April 2021)

Me Moments - Integrating Self Regulation Strategies for Students In Your Learning Environment.pdf

Menu of Applied Educational Neuroscience/Brain and Adversity (Desautels, 2019)

© Menu of Strategies - Printable (DeSautels, 2019).pdf

Pause, Reset, Nourish (NCSTN, 2020)

Pause, Reset, Nourish (NCTSN, 2020).pdf

Quarantine Coloring Pages (Positively Present)

Quarantine Coloring Pages.pdf

Secondary Traumatic Stress and Staff Well Being (NASP Ask the Expert Series, October 2020)

Staff Well Being (NASP 2020).pdf

Stress Topped the Reasons Why Public School Teacheres Quit, Even before COVID-19 (Diliberti, Schwartz, & Grant, 2021)

Stress Topped the Reasons Why Public School Teachers Quit, Even Before COVID-19 (Diliberti, Schwartz, Grant, 2021).pdf

Staff Relaxation Zone (Alliance for a Healthier Generation + Kaiser Permanente, no date)

Staff Relaxation Zone.pdf

Structural Supports To Promote Teacher Well-Being (Santoro & Price, 2021)

Structural Supports To Promote Teacher Well-Being(Santoro & Price, October 2021).pdf

Teacher Efficacy: What Is It and Does It Matter? (Protheroe, 2008)

Teacher Efficacy - What Is It and Why Does It Matter (Protheroe, 2008).pdf

Teacher Stress & Health (Pennsylvania State University, 2017)

Teacher Stress and Health.pdf
The Intersection of Mindfulness Teacher Efficacy and School Clim.pdf

Working with Adolescents and Mindfulness (Mindful Schools, no date)

Working with Adolescents.pdf