Diversity, Equity, Inclusion + Social Justice

Building Resilience and Confronting Risk in the COVID-19 Era: A Parent & Caregivers Guide to Combating Online Radicalization (Southern Poverty Law Center & PERIL, no date)

Building Resilience and Confronting Risk in the COVID-19 Era (SPLC and PERIL, nd).pdf

Cultural Responsiveness to Racial Trauma (National Childhood Traumatic Stress Network, 2020)

Cultural Responsiveness to Racial Trauma (NCTSN, 2020).pdf

Culture Wheel - Parents (Author Unknown)

Cultural Wheel Activity - Parents.docx

Culture Wheel - Students (Author Unknown)

Cultural Wheel Activity - Students.docx

COVID-19 Equity Questions and Support (NASP, 2020)

NASP SJC Covid-19 Equity Questions.pdf

Empathy Interview Tool (Nelsestuen & Smith, 2020)

Empathy Interview Tool.pdf

Empowering Young People in the Aftermath of Hate (Antidefamation League, 2019)

Empowering Young People in the Aftermath of Hate.pdf

Equity Literacy for Educators: Definition and Abilities (Gorski, 2020)

Equity Literacy for Educators.pdf

Read Aloud of Something Happened in Our Town (Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center)

Teaching and Talking about the Israeli-Palestian Conflict (Solutions Not Sides, 2021)

Solutions Not Sides Israel Palestinian Handbook.pdf

Understanding and Dismantling Privilege (Martinez-Cola, 2020)

Understanding and Dismantling Privilege (Martinez-Cola, 2020).pdf

White Privilege and Feedback (DiAngelo, 2015)

White Fragility And Feedback.pdf

50 Cognitive Biases (TitleMax, n.d.)

50 Cognitive Biases.pdf