GROOT Summer 2021

Welcome to the Graduates Reminisce Online On Topology (GROOT) Summer Seminar 2021.

The goal of this online seminar is to provide a regular meeting place for graduate students to share research and expository talks over the summer as well as some time to network and socialize with peers. All incoming, current, and recently graduated grad students are welcome to participate. If you are interested in joining this seminar, please fill out this form. Responses are checked weekly so participants can join at any point during the summer.

Regular meetings will be scheduled based on participant and speaker availability. We will meet most Mondays 12 - 1 pm EST beginning Monday, May 24. Additional talks may be scheduled dependent on interest and the time zone of the speaker.

Scheduled Talks:

Monday, May 24, 12 pm (noon) EST - Free Incomplete Tambara Functors are Almost Never Flat (David Mehrle)

Monday, June 7, 12 pm (noon) EST - Molecular Configurations and Persistent Homology (Brittany Story)

Monday, June 14, 12 pm (noon) EST - Characterizing 2-slices over C_2 and K_4 (Carissa Slone)

Monday, June 21, 12 pm (noon) EST - The Chern character, cyclotomic trace and the HKR character map (Hari Rau-Murthy)

Monday, June 28, 12 pm (noon) EST - Equivariant cobordism and quasi-orientations (Jack Carlisle)

Monday, July 19, 12 pm (noon) EST - An Introduction to Topological Data Analysis and Hippocampal Place Cells

(Jerome Roehm)

Monday, July 26, 12 pm (noon) EST - The map K_0 ZG to K_0 QG for general groups (Georg Lehner)

Monday, August 2, 12 pm (noon) EST - The Unstable Gromov--Lawson--Rosenberg Conjecture (Sam Hughes)

Monday, August 9, 12 pm (noon) EST - Principal 2-group bundles (Emma Phillips)

From last year:

Groot 2020 Abstract book

GROOT 2020 Talk Recordings

For speakers:

  • Prepare a 50 min talk with an additional 10 min for questions. Format is completely up to you, but should be Zoom and microphone friendly.

  • Keep in mind participants in this seminar share a wide range of research interests. Aim to include background making your main ideas follow-able and interesting to those only vaguely familiar with your topic, while also including additional detail for more knowledgeable participants.

  • Log on to Zoom 5-10 minutes early so we can make sure all technology is running smoothly.

Reading topics participants have suggested for expository talks:

  • Cellular (co)sheaves and filtration of mapping spaces

  • Derived algebraic geometry

  • Discrete Morse theory

  • Elliptic cohomology

  • Equivariant homotopy theory

  • Factorization homology

  • Fleor homotopy theory

  • H - cobordism

  • Homotopy theory

  • Kervaire invariant problem

  • Motivic homotopy theory

  • Operadic nerves and excicsive functors (in the equivariant setting)

  • Rational homotopy theory

  • Topological cyclic homology

  • Topological data analysis (including multidimensional TDA)

Statement of Inclusiveness

GROOT is committed to creating an inclusive, supportive, and safe environment. GROOT supports the rights of all participants to fully engage and participate in the seminar regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, pregnancy, immigration status, or any other aspect of identity


Some mathematical organizations and resources:

  • The National Association of Mathematicians (NAM) - Founded in 1969, NAM seeks to promote excellence in the mathematical sciences for underrepresented american minorities in general and African-Americans in particular. Membership is open to all.

  • Chanda Prescod-Weinstein’s Decolonising Science Reading List

  • Mathematically Gifted and Black celebrates the work of Black mathematicians. I've particularly enjoyed reading on this site over the past few years.

  • Accelerating Systemic Change in Higher Education's has a list of articles meant to serve as a starting point for learning about equity, inclusion, diversity, and justice with a particular focus on addressing systemic anti-Black racism within STEM and higher education.

  • Erica Walker's book "Beyond Banneker: Black Mathematicians and the Paths to Excellence"