GROOT Summer 2022

Welcome to the Graduates Reminisce Online On Topology (GROOT) Summer Seminar 2022.

The goal of this online seminar is to provide a regular meeting place for graduate students to share research and expository talks over the summer  as well as some time to network and socialize with peers.  All incoming, current, and recently graduated grad students are welcome to participate. If you are interested in joining this seminar, please fill out this form. Responses are checked weekly so participants can join at any point during the summer. It is encouraged to attend as many talks as possible. However, there is no attendance requirement as summer schedules vary widely. 

Regular meetings are scheduled based on participant and speaker availability.  This year, most of our meetings will take place on Wednesdays from 12-1 pm EST. Talk scheduling is ongoing and additional talks may be scheduled dependent on interest and the time zone of the speaker.

Scheduled Talks:

Wednesday, June 22, 12 pm (noon) ET - Abstract Enumerative Geometry (Thomas Brazelton)

Monday, June 27, 12 pm (noon) ET - The HF_2-homology of C_2-equivariant Eilenberg MacLane spaces (Sarah Petersen, video recording)

Wednesday, June 29, 12 pm (noon) ET - The RO(C_3)-graded Bredon Cohomology of C_3-surfaces (Kelly Pohland, video recording)

Wednesday, July 6, 12 pm (noon) ET - Complete Segal Spaces as a Model of Higher Categories (Chirantan Mukherjee, video recording)

Monday, July 11, 12 pm (noon) ET - Slices of Σ^n HZ over Q_8 (Carissa Slone, video recording)

Wednesday, July 13, 12 pm (noon) ET - Quasi-2-Segal sets (Matt Feller, video recording)

Monday, July 18, 12 pm (noon) ET -  The factorization homology of a commutative algebra (Hari Rau-Murthy, video recording)

Wednesday, July 20, 12 pm (noon) ET - Fox-Neuwirth Cells, Quantum Shuffle Algebras, and the Homology of Type-B Artin Groups (Anh Hoang, video recording)

Wednesday, July 27, 12 pm (noon) ET - Semi-topological K-theory of dg-algebras and the lattice conjecture (Andrei Konovalov, video recording)

Monday, August 1, 12 pm (noon) ET - The Homology of BP_R<n> (Christian Carrick, video recording)

Wednesday, August 3, 12 pm (noon) ET - Koszul duality for simplicial restricted Lie algebras (Nikolai Konovalov, video recording)

Wednesday, August 10, 12 pm (noon) ET - Manifold Operads (Connor Malin, video recording)

For speakers:

Reading topics participants have suggested for expository talks:

Statement of Inclusiveness 

GROOT is committed to creating an inclusive, supportive, and safe environment. GROOT supports the rights of all participants to fully engage and participate in the seminar regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, pregnancy, immigration status, or any other aspect of identity