Applying for Postdoctoral Positions:

US & Europe

Applying for postdoctoral positions in the US and Europe

Hello! If you're reading this, you're probably interested in applying for postdoctoral positions, or possibly just checking out my website, which is also cool. This is a collection of advice I sought out and  found helpful as I applied for postdoctoral positions in the US and Europe during the fall of 2021. While I'm not an authority on navigating the job market, I hope sharing this overview and a few practical organizational tools will be helpful. Two things to keep in mind while going through this process: (1) it's highly individual - figure out and prioritize what's most important to you, and (2) the job market fluctuates a lot, it's not personal. 

Article under construction... 

Rough suggested timelines

Where to look for job postings

Useful questions to ask your advisor

Organizational tools for keeping track of job postings:

How to navigate

Recruiting reference letter writers

Rough  timeline of application deadlines

Rough timeline for postdoctoral offers

Evaluating postdoctoral offers

Negotiating postdoc offers

Application materials