

scientific congresses, 


press release, 


social media/videos 




TIKTOK VIDEOS. 14 december 2023.       Gonzalo prepared two videos explaining his PhD research. First video is about his research challenge and the second video is about used strategy. Check video 1 and video 2 in the links. 

PRESS RELEASE. 14 december 2023.       Claudia was awarded with the Best Poster Pirze at the Early Stage Resarcher workshp at IMDEA Nanoscience. Read all about it in the link. 

Sara was selected to be the image of La Caixa Junior Leaders grant call. Read all about the call in the link. 

PRESS RELEASE. 22 March 2023.       Sara was awarded with La Caixa Junior Fellowship grant. Read all about it in the link. 

PRESS RELEASE. 30 September 2022.      Sara participated in the European Researchers´ night at the CaixaForum. Read all about it in the link. 

PODCAST. 30 September 2022.               Sara was invited to participate in the under the microscope podcast to show strategies for harnessing the light at the nanoscale. Listen the podcast in the link.