Intrigued? Here's the full story.

Thank you for being here.

Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm a Jill of all trades trying to fit my life into a box.

Just kidding - I don't fit into a box and you probably don't either

I love to play. 

I love to hike, swim, chase lakes, camp, adventure, bike, kayak, paddleboard, ski, snowshoe, make friends and try new things. The list is long.

After a stint in Montreal, I now live in the small town of Knowlton, Quebec where I grew up. 

As a girl, nature and movement was my everything. I played sports, danced and rode my bike everywhere. However, my journey with (diet and) exercise progressed later in life into something completely different.

As I grew older, I lost sight of the joy moving my body once gave me and started focusing on my external appearance. At the age of 16, losing weight took over my identity and it became my purpose to be skinny.

While diet and exercise are important contributions to a healthy, joyful life, weight-loss is not the secret to a happy forever. Tapping into the true knowing of who you are and who you desire to be will be your greatest journey. Exercise can then become  a fun tool to amplify the quality of your life. Weight-loss is simply (or possibly) a side effect to living a life that brings you the most wellness overall.

Through movement, dance and connection to the self, I help transform the meaning behind the word exercise. By implementing important factors such as joy, community, nature and self-trust, I help children, women and adults navigate the world of movement in a very authentic way.

Through my own journey I've experienced things that have allowed me to share my wisdom and life lessons. Through my teachings and stories I help others to not only move but build self-love.

So if you came here to live with purpose and become your own best friend, then you are in the right place.

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Are you ready to kick-start your journey?

Fitness | Coaching | Voice Note Support

Fitness | Dance | Coaching

12 week beginner & intermediate dance sessions focusing on learning choreography, empowering women and building body confidence.

Mobile dance programs, school & daycare dance, private birthday parties and personalized wedding services!

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