Extension Request

Breathe: Life Happens

An extension request enables students to advocate for their needs while promoting "reasonable" student behavior. Life happens. So sometimes we need a second chance. Establishing a clear channel of communication between teacher and student is important to maintain a respectable relationship. Therefore, to submit an extension request, the following questions below must be answered and written into the the message via Canvas Inbox. I will respond to your message within 12 hours.

Questions to answer in your message via Canvas Inbox:

  1. Check-In: Are you OK?

  2. Request: What assignment will you need an extension?

  3. Action: What do you propose as a solution to the delay in submitting the assignment?

  4. Goal: How can you hold yourself accountable? (What is a fair consequence if you can not meet your own solution?)

  5. Support: What support do you need from me to meet your goal?


Dear Professor,

  1. I am OK. I'm just dealing with a lot of stress.

  2. I would like an extension to Unit 1 Assessment.

  3. I propose to submit my work by Monday evening.

  4. I will make sure to manage my time better for the next unit. If I do not meet my Monday deadline, I will make sure to submit my next unit assessment a day early.

  5. I just need you check on my my incomplete unit 1 work to see if I'm on the right track.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Selena Quintana