Attendance & Participation

I am obligated by federal regulations & GCC to present a Participation/Attendance Policy. However, my teaching philosophy requires me to provide you support and options. I'm on your side.

Participation & Attendance Policy

  • Week 1: All students must be checked in by Thursday of Week 1. "Check In Activities" will be placed in Week 1. Deadlines are posted. Unfortunately, GCC requires me to drop students who do not meet the Check-In Deadlines. This policy is in place to provide waitlisted students to be added into the class.

  • Attendance or Participation is never measured by ‘logging-in’ or time spent in Canvas. Weekly participation in an online course is equivalent to engaging in class communication, class discussions and activities.

  • Inactivity is problematic because online education policies at GCC require instructors to drop inactive student. In this class, inactivity for a week indicates enough "absences" to drop a student. Remember that one week of our accelerated course is equivalent to 2 1/2 weeks of a regularly scheduled class. Therefore I will be checking-in on your well-being.

  • Need more time to engage in the course activities, just communicate with me. I trust you. I will be checking-in on students via PRONTO and Canvas Inbox. However, it is highly recommended to talk to your counselor if you no longer want to participate. It's totally fine. Sometimes we just have to choose our own learning environment.

  • But wait! There are options to save your tranquility if things get hard. Given the number of challenges you are facing, most colleges across the country are doing their best to accommodate students by adjusting grading rules and regulations. Your counselor can guide you toward grading options. Visit Grading Guides to further understand your options.

"The Academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created."

  • bell hooks, Black Feminist & Cultural Studies Educator