"Palace of Hearts" - Alice in Wonderland Themed Map 

Software used: Trenchbroom, Quakespasm

Made: November 2023 - December 2023

Process Journal

For a more in-depth explanation on my design process, I created a wiki on my GitHub repository that journals my progress as I made my map: 


My process 

Final Render Images

Below are a few rendered images of my map in Quake, these images do not cover all the areas in the map but the main areas. 

Final Walkthrough

Final Lighting and Texturing Pass

Lighting and texturing pass wiki page here: WikiPage 

Intro: Hedge maze

Palace: Entrance, Great Hall, and Hallways.

Doll/Alice Room

2nd Floor: Portrait Rooms and Secret Area

Final Room: Throne Room

Grey box Walkthrough

Blockout wiki page here: WikiPage 

Gameplay after first iteration 

Gameplay and Iteration page here: WIkiPage