

Organoid morphogenesis in a multicellular phase-field model

Sakurako Tanida, Kana Fuji, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Makiko Nonomura, Masaki Sano,

Organoids are self-organizing cells that are grown from stem cells in vitro and are widely used to model organ development and disease. In organoids, while cell growth and hence proliferation are mechanically constrained due to the geometrical requirements to keep maintaining the cell cluster, various morphologies of organoids are achieved. However, it remains elusive how such mechanical constraint can affect organoid growth and the final morphology. In this study, we investigate the influences of mechanical constraint on organoid morphogenesis by numerical simulations with a multicellular phase-field model. In this mathematical model, we can isolate out mechanical interaction from other biological processes. More specifically, we examine the pattern formations of organoids emerging when changing luminal fluid pressure and proliferation time. Even if most organoids seem to be the same in the initial phase, they have distinctive features in the later phase in this numerical model. The patterns in the later phase include spheroid-like shape, star-like shape, and so on. Although all cells have identical natures, in the star-like organoid, cells that can divide are spatially fixed and show behavior like spontaneous differentiation. Classifying the patterns of organoids by several indexes, we discuss the mechanisms which generate the different pattern.

Synchronization of elevators

Sakurako Tanida

Elevators can be regarded as oscillators driven by the calls of passengers who arrive randomly. We study the dynamic behavior of elevators during the down peak period by simulation and analytical calculation. We assume that new passengers arrive according to a Poisson process on each floor and call the elevators to go down to the ground floor. We numerically examine how the round trip time depends on the inflow rate of passengers on each floor and reproduce it by an equation considering the combination of floors where call occurs. We also examine the degree of the synchronization of two elevators by setting an order parameter.

Sakurako Tanida, "Dynamic behavior of elevators under random inflow of passengers", PhysRevE, 2021


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.103.042305


Gliding filament system giving both global orientational order and clusters in collective motion

Sakurako Tanida, Ken‘ya Furuta, Kaori Nishikawa, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Hiroaki Kojima, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Masaki Sano

Collective motion is ubiquitous in biological systems of all sizes, from fish school to cell tissue. Although the materials of moving particles are different, they often show common dynamical orders such as nematic alignment and cluster. This suggests that there are common mechanisms of collective motion regardless of particle compositions. However, the collective behavior of the condensed particles cannot be derived. In this study, to investigate the relation between steric interaction and pattern of collective motion, we observed high density motility assay of microtubules gliding of kinesin-coated glass surface. In this experiment, strength of steric interaction can be changed owing to a novel treatment of the glass surface.

We found that strong steric interaction produces perfect alignment of a pair of colliding filaments but nonetheless prevents global alignment and rather forms clusters. Surprisingly, weaker steric interactions that allow microtubules to overlap can form global alignment. To explain this discrepancy of microscopic and macroscopic alignment behaviors, statics of binary collision of microtubules were examined. It appears that a pair of microtubules change their orientation nematically after collision in both strong and weak steric interaction cases. Based on this result, numerical simulations were also performed, which reproduced this observation. Furthermore, our experimental system showed various other collective behaviors, including order-disorder coexistence, global rotation, and looping.

In previous studies on collective motion in various systems, such as bacteria gliding on agar, bacteria swimming in thin chambers and cytoskeletal filaments driven by motor proteins, global aligning or clustering patterns have been reported. These two patterns are discernible by nematic order and density distribution, although the symmetries of particles of motion and alignment interaction in those system are the same. Our study shows this difference of pattern can be produced by the subtle difference of steric interaction, i.e. whether moving particles can overlap or not. This will provide new insights that those discernible patterns can be reproduced by changing the strength parameter of steric interaction.

The characteristic of our experimental system is that both microtubule density and strength of steric interaction can be controlled. It enables us to obtain the phase diagram of collective motion in microtubule-and-kinesin motility assay system.


Sakurako Tanida, Ken'ya Furuta, Kaori Nishikawa, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Hiroaki Kojima, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Masaki Sano, "Gliding filament system giving both orientational order and clusters in collective motion ",


Sakurako Tanida, Ken'ya Furuta, Kaori Nishikawa, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Hiroaki Kojima, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Masaki Sano, "Gliding filament system giving both orientational order and clusters in collective motion ", arXiv:1806.01049