
Recordings of the talks available on YouTube

SAIL 2023 will have two tutorials

Tutorial 1 : Large Language Models: The new LLM in town [slides]

Brief Description : Will introduce Law students / practitioners to some recent applications of AI in the legal domain


Saurabh Karn
Smita Gupta

Tutorial 2 : Legal IR and NLP: Challenges, and State-of-the-Art

Brief Description : Will introduce AI students / practitioners to the state-of-the-art and practical problems in Law-AI, with special emphasis on Legal Natural Language Processing (NLP).  Knowledge of NLP is a suggested pre-requisite for this tutorial.

Speakers :

Kripabandhu Ghosh
Assistant Professor

Computational and Data Sciences

IISER Kolkata
Saptarshi Ghosh
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering

IIT Kharagpur
Subham Kumar Nigam
PhD Student
Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kanpur
Shounak Paul
PhD student
Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kharagpur
Aniket Deroy
PhD student
Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kharagpur