Call for Papers

Accepted Papers:

SAIL2023 will have a peer-reviewed track, the purpose of which is to solicit both matured and early-staged research work from both the Law and the AI communities, aiming to cover topics related, respectively, to the scope of AI for various domain-specific legal challenges (coming from the law practitioners and researchers working on law) and their AI-based solutions (coming from the AI community). We welcome submissions describing original work on computational challenges on legal data on (but not restricted to) the following topics:

Contributions solicited from Law researchers / practitioners

Contributions solicited from AI researchers / practitioners

The proceedings will be published as a part of the CEUR proceedings.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11.59pm Anywhere on Earth


We invite papers of variable length reporting original (unpublished) research. Submissions must have at most 10 pages of single-column content plus unlimited pages for references, and must be formatted as per the CEUR proceedings guidelines:

Latex style files and MS Word templates (docx) can be found in this zip file: The 1-column versions should be used. Appendices and acknowledgements, if any, will not count against the page limit. 

Double-Blind reviewing

The review process will be double-blind. Submitted papers must not include author names and affiliations and they must be written in a way so that they do not violate the double-blind reviewing process. If the preliminary version of a paper was posted in arXiv, the authors should NOT mention it as their own paper in the submission. Papers that violate the double-blind review requirements will be desk rejected.

Ethics section

Papers working with sensitive data or on sensitive tasks should contain a separate “Ethics” section containing a broader impact statement or other discussion related to ethical issues. This section will not count against the maximum page limit.

Dual Submission and Preprint Policy

A paper that is accepted may be declared as non-archival (after acceptance), which will mean that it won’t be included in proceedings. This could be a useful option for papers that will be submitted elsewhere or have been accepted to be published elsewhere. Submissions that are declared to be archival will be expected to report original (unpublished) work, and should not be submitted elsewhere. 


Program Committee