As a Student


Graduation: May 2023

GPA: 3.84 Magna Cum Laude

Major: Nursing 

Minors: Arts Management, Leadership Studies

Honors Program: Freshman Representative (2019-2020), Sophomore Representative (2020-2021), Member at Large (2021-2022), Senior Representative (2022-2023)

Deans List (2019-2023)

Presidential Scholarship Recipient, Honors Scholarship Recipient, Dominican Grant Recipient, Peer Mentor Scholarship Recipient 

Graduation Recognitions: Veritas Cup Recipient, Nursing Leadership Award, Class Speaker for the Nursing Class

Student Honors Board

I have served on Student Honors Board every year since my freshman year in 2019. This year I am excited to be the Student Honors Board Senior Representative and it has been a wonderful experience hosting socials, conducting meetings and collaborating on campus projects. The confidence I have gained through this program has enhanced my social and academic experience at Dominican. 

Peer Mentor

I applied for the Peer Mentor position because when I was a freshman at orientation, I admired the enthusiasm and confidence that the Peer Mentors had. They made my shift to the foreign college environment smoother and more comfortable.  I truly believe that their energy is what set the tone of my freshman year and I would be honored to pass on what they did for me to incoming freshmen. 

Nursing Peer Mentor

Semester of Spring 2022 I joined the Nursing Peer Mentor Program. I thought this would be a great opportunity to become closer with other nursing students. I look forward to teaching my tips and tricks that I have learned over the years.