Hi, I am Sabbir. 😀 👋 

I am a Provost's Fellow and Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Systems and Information Engineering at the University of Virginia (UVA). Currently, I am working with Prof. Laura Barnes at the Sensing Systems for Health (S2He) lab of UVA. Earlier, I worked as a data scientist at the Design Inclusion and Access Lab, at North South University, Bangladesh. My research interest lies in the intersection of pervasive devices, machine learning, and the mental health of people from resource-constrained settings.

Since my undergrad life, I have been leading a research project named Mon Majhi (Mind Navigator). The main goal of that project is to develop a minimal, real-time, and unobtrusive system for assessing mental health.


6th June'24: Will be serving as an associate chair in the ACM CSCW'24 poster track!

1st February'24: Got selected to present one of our research at the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative!

11th January'24: Paper got accepted by JMIR Research Protocols! This is the first paper from the countrywide study of the Mon Majhi project!

1st January'24: Two co-authored papers got accepted by the ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies! One of the papers will be presented at ACM COMPASS'24! Thanks to the lead authors for their hard work.

7th December'23: Will be serving as an Associate Chair in the LBW track of ACM CHI'24!

30th October'23: Attended the Global Mental Health Research without Borders Conference at the National Institute of Health, Maryland! Met a Nobel Laureate for the first time!

14th August'23: Started working at S2He lab, UVA, USA! Super excited!

10th August'23: Last working day at DIAL, NSU, Bangladesh.

2nd June'23: Paper finally got acceptance in ACM MobileHCI'23! The paper will be included in the PACM HCI journal!

2nd June'23: Accepted an invitation to join the committee of ACM UbiComp/ISWC 2023 Poster & Demos!

31st May'23: Paper got acceptance in Pervasive Health and Technology journal.

19th March'23: Paper got acceptance from JMIR Formative Research! Preprint is available here.

13th March'23: Paper got conditional acceptance [minor revision] from ACM MobileHCI'23!

14th February'23: Accepted a Provost's Fellowship (in the top ~7% of Fall'23 admits) offer from the University of Virginia! At UVA, I will be provided with a research fund also!

31st January'23: Accepted the funding offer from the University of Virginia!

24th January'23: Humbled by accepting an offer of Ph.D. admission from the University of Virginia, USA! 

29th December'22: For our PervasiveHealth'21 paper, I am in the top 1% of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Community (based on the contribution of 2021) and was awarded senior membership status.

22nd November'22: Got the travel grant also to attend ACM SIGCHI Symposium for HCI and Friends.

15th November'22: Got the registration grant to attend ACM SIGCHI Symposium for HCI and Friends.

30th October'22: 3 papers got acceptance in PervasiveHealth'22!

22nd July'22: You may read this piece of my writing: The Face May not be the Mirror of Mind 

18th May'22: One of the co-authored papers got accepted by Frontiers in Communication journal!

15th November'21: Paper got acceptance in PervasiveHealth'21!

10th November'21: Paper got acceptance in IEEE TENCON'21!

17th July'21: Got Gary Marsden Travel Award from SIGCHI!

14th April'21: Got grant from SIGCHI development fund to attend Asian CHI'21!

14th April'21: Paper got acceptance in Asian CHI Symposium’21!

15th March'21: Paper got acceptance in HCI Across Border'21!

10th December'20: Will work as a trainer and supervisor in the Datathon program of Ada Lovelace'21!

1st December'20: Humbled by getting the chance to work as a data scientist in a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded project!

13th October'20: Got acceptance to participate in ACM SIGCHI CSCW Asia Winter School 2020!

30th July'20: Paper got acceptance in WellComp 2020!

13th June'20: 2nd Runner-up in Presentation Competition, arranged by ACM SIGCHI Summer School on Research Methodologies!

28th April'20: Paper got acceptance in IEEE Region 10 Symposium 2020!