Self-Adjusting Umbrella
Capstone Design Project: Autonomous Umbrella Prototype
The capstone design projects for mechanical engineering undergrads at the University of Manitoba offer students the opportunity to work on teams and complete a useful design project for local industry. On a team of senior students we were tasked with coming up with a design for an automated self-adjusting, sun-tracking umbrella robot. We were required to both come up with the full design of a large commercial sized product, but also a proof of concept prototype.
On this project I handled all of the electronics and programming of the system as well as assisted in the mechanical design.
Artists mockup of our final design
CAD model of the full commercial sized umbrella
The proof of concept was to demonstrate the umbrellas ability to accurately track the sun. Due to budget constraints the prototype was designed in a cost effective manner, it was 3D printed and controlled by small servo motors and an Arduino. The sensing was accomplished by 4 photoresistors mounted at the corners of the canopy.
Using a piezo buzzer the umbrella was even programmed to play custom jingles when turning on, calibrating and pausing!
Prototype CAD Model: Opened
Prototype CAD Model: Closed
Working sun (flashlight) tracking prototype
Control logic diagram