Wrath and Glory:

Blessings Unheralded

We try out a demo adventure for the new Wrath and Glory Warhammer 40,000 tabletop rpg published by Ulisses North America and the verdict is good. The system has a nice flow to it and uses elements from Savage Worlds, Shadowrun, and Star Trek Adventures. All in all a fun system.

Joining us on this mission is:

Ben as the Game Master,

Sam as Pater Nemoris, Ministorum Priest,

Tony as Battle-Brother Trojun Kull, Tactical Space Marine of the White Scars,

Michael as Battle Sister Henna Orten, Sister of Battle,

Serena as Sergeant Gael Harden, Veteran Imperial Guardsman,

and Jolene as Commissar Victoria Linn, Imperial Commissar.