The Cast

Ben Lewis

The producer of the podcast and one of the game masters, Ben has been playing tabletop games since early high school. He is a hopeless Trekkie and proud of it.

Game Master

Valley of Famine


Southern Oregon born, Rosemary has been tabletop gaming now for a little over a year. If you're lucky, one day, she might try out an accent on the podcast, but no promises as she's atrocious at them. When not gaming, she can be found with her nose in a book, or watching Star Trek.

Game Master

Dave B.

Crafter of beer and game master of most of our episodes, Dave also hosts the majority of our game nights.



Ed has a degree in Theater. Unfortunately for you, listeners, it is not in Acting...


When he's not smelling of elderberries or farting in your general direction, Austin is putting on a flawlessly executed character voice and immersing everyone at the table in roleplaying bliss.


Quentin Bee, Rocket Man
Macario the Payaso, Mexican Rodeo Clown
Wynon Beardslay, Hobbyist and Agent


Lance is a surprisingly responsible adult male who did not grow up to be a devil worshipper, serial killer or basement dwelling loser...stupid 1980's psychology experts!


A veteran gamer with a thousand stories to tell. Just don't ask him about Troy...

Nick S.

Nick is an Army Vet and Martial Arts enthusiast with a passion for Japanese culture


Trisha doesn't always get to play tabletop games with us, but when she does, she knits!