Episode 105:

Dreams and Portents

Though I walk in the shadow of the valley of Plenty, I shall forever hunger...

Summer is gone and Autumn now rests upon the Rogue Valley. The harvest is now in full swing and the storehouses begin to fill as settler prepare for the coming winter. Yet all is not well in the valley. Tensions between farmers and ranchers rise as hired help vanishes without a trace. The Iron Dragon executive, Sheng Jin, has stayed long past his scheduled inspection of the railroad. Just as the days begin to grow short, so too do tempers.

Joining us this session is:

Ben as the Marshal

Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,

Ed as "Railin'" Daisy Gilmore, the new scientist,

Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,

and Nik S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

and Special Guest: Trisha as Chen Mei, the Iron Dragon "Troubleshooter"

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