Episode 1: Trainwrecked

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. It is unofficial Media Content permitted under the Media Network Content Agreement. This content is not managed, approved, or endorsed by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Certain portions of the materials used are the intellectual property of Pinnacle, and all rights are reserved. Savage Worlds, all related settings, and unique characters, locations, and characters, logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group

The year is 1879, and the history is not our own...

Our campaign starts out on the rails, literally. Six strangers on a train bound for Denver find themselves thrown together after an accident causes the train to derail disastrously only to find that the 'accident' wasn't a coincidence...

Introducing Dave as the Marshal

And Ben as the gunslinger, Cain Rose

Ed as the Texas ranger, Eric Gunther

JJ as the Apache holy man, Bodaway

Rosemary as the seductive bounty hunter, Sarah Smith

Tony as the US Marshal, Aurora Paige

and Lance as the enlightened samurai, Nakamura Aritomo

Join us as we dive into the Weird Wild West in this Savage Worlds reboot of the classic Western RPG.