
This website is an excellent resource to get a first overview of the family. Everyone can contribute by creating new pages or updating information about all aspects of the Rubiaceae family. If you need help with editing on Wikipedia, you are welcome to get in touch with Brecht Verstraete.

The goal of this website is to build curated taxonomic and morphological information about the Rubiaceae family. Everyone is welcome to contribute and you can contact Charlotte Taylor to help you get the information online.

POWO is an international collaborative programme that has as a primary aim to make available digitized data of the world’s flora. The data are sourced from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew as well as its partners and collaborators.

WFO is an online flora of all known plants. The WFO Consortium is eager to create a Rubiaceae Taxonomic Expert Network (TEN) to help improve the WFO taxonomic backbone and curate a global consensus classification. Anyone who would be willing to coordinate such a TEN is welcome to contact Brecht Verstraete. 

The AP database contains the names of African plants with their nomenclatural status. It is a collaboration between the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and the South African National Biodiversity Institute.

The Global Biodiversity Information Facility is an international network and data infrastructure aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth.

The objective of this database is to improve our knowledge about wild coffee species in order to better protect them. It is maintained by Romain Guyot.

The Gentian Research Network is a free, not-for-profit, web-based forum for worldwide research on the natural history and evolution of the flowering plant family Gentianaceae (gentians). It was created by Lena Struwe but is currently no longer actively updated.