
This is a non-exhaustive list of the people working on Gentianales. 

Do you want to be added to this list? Please fill in this form.

Do you want to update your information or be removed from this list? Please contact us via the contact form.

Community - Gentianales

The purpose of the data is to give an overview of the people working on Rubiaceae - Gentianales. No other data than what is presented on the website is collected and stored. The data is not shared with any other party but it is visible on the website. The data is stored on a Google Drive managed by Meise Botanic Garden,  Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgium. The data is kept until a person requests to have their data removed. Persons on the list have the right to a copy of their data and the right to have their data updated or removed. Please contact us via the contact form