2 - The Command Team

Captain Albreicht Ficklestein (Mini)

Captain Kian is currently in charge of overseeing all areas of RTU, as well as ensuring there is work being assigned and completed by the Lieutenants and Staff Sergeants of the division. He is responsible for the issuing and evaluation of any work completed within the division, as well as keeping track of current ongoings and plans for the division.

You can contact Mina via a private message on PLPD.Online, finding him on the community Teamspeak Server or Messaging him on Steam.

Lieutenant Jeremiah Mohammad (Sidd)

Lieutenant Jeremiah is a command member within the division and is in charge of Training and Employee/Training Team management within RTU. He is responsible for helping out and participating in any workload given as well as handing out work to Junior Command members.

You can contact Jeremiah via a private message on PLPD.Online, finding him on the community Teamspeak Server or Messaging him on Steam.

Lieutenant Anakin Percious-House (Aquaa)

Lieutenant Aquaa is a command member within the division and is in charge of Applications and Internal Infraction management within RTU. He is responsible for helping out and participating in any workload given as well as handing out work to Junior Command members.

You can contact Aquaa via a private message on PLPD.Online, finding him on the community Teamspeak Server or Messaging him on Steam.

Operational Staff Sergeant Ezio Bellucci (HellsAtWar2002)

Operational Staff Sergeant Ezio is a Junior command member within the division and directly assists Command with Training, Employee/Training Team management and Applications within RTU. He is responsible for helping out and participating in any workload given to him by Command and ensuring that Officers don't have any issues or questions relating to his areas.

You can contact Ezio via a private message on PLPD.Online, finding him on the community Teamspeak Server or Messaging him on Steam.

Corporate Staff ()

Corporate Staff Sergeant Dom is a Junior command member within the division and directly assists Command with Awards, Recruitment Ideas and Announcements within RTU. He is responsible for helping out and participating in any workload given to him by Command and ensuring that Officers don't have any issues or questions relating to his areas.

You can contact Dom via a private message on PLPD.Online, finding him on the community Teamspeak Server or Messaging him on Steam.

Standards Staff Sergeant Ashley Maia (Maia)

Standards Staff Sergeant Maia is a Junior command member within the division and directly assists Command with IA Complaints, Disciplinary Actions and Internal Infractions within RTU. He is responsible for helping out and participating in any workload given to him by Command and ensuring that Officers don't have any issues or questions relating to his areas.

You can contact Maia via a private message on PLPD.Online, finding him on the community Teamspeak Server or Messaging him on Steam.

Welfare Staff Sergeant David Peach (Gamingpeach)

Welfare Staff Sergeant David is a Junior command member within the division and directly assists Command with Welfare of Officers, Running Surveys/Campaigns and Making sure voices are heard within RTU. He is responsible for helping out and participating in any workload given to him by Command and ensuring that Officers don't have any issues or questions relating to his areas.

You can contact David via a private message on PLPD.Online, finding him on the community Teamspeak Server or Messaging him on Steam.